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For messages or statements or proclamations that relate to recognized religious holidays. or cultural holidays like Kwanzaa
Message on the Observance of Hanukkah
Ronald Reagan
Message on the Observance of Christmas
Remarks on Lighting the National Christmas Tree
Message on the Observance of the Jewish High Holy Days
Message on the Observance of St. Patrick's Day, 1984
Message on the Observance of the Chinese New Year
Radio Address to the Nation on Christmas
Christmas Message
Remarks on Lighting the National Community Christmas Tree
Remarks at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington During the Observance of Hanukkah
Remarks at Cinco de Mayo Ceremonies in San Antonio, Texas
Message on the Observance of Cinco de Mayo
Radio Address to the Nation on the Observance of Easter and Passover
Statement on St. Patrick's Day and the Situation in Northern Ireland
Remarks on St. Patrick's Day at the Irish Embassy
Message on the Observance of St. Patrick's Day
Christmas Day Radio Address to the Nation
Remarks at a White House Ceremony in Observance of National Day of Prayer
Statement on the Observance of the Afghan New Year
Statement on St. Patrick's Day
Statement on the Celebration of Passover and Easter
Toast at a St. Patrick's Day Luncheon Hosted by the Irish Ambassador
Christmas Pageant of Peace Remarks on Lighting the National Community Christmas Tree.
Jimmy Carter
Christmas 1980 Statement by the President.
Rosh Hashanah Interview With Dan Raviv of Israel Television.
High Holy Days Message of the President.
Id-al-Fitr Message of the President.
Remarks at a White House St. Patrick's Day Celebration