The American Presidency Project

Non-profit and non-partisan, the APP is the source of presidential documents on the internet.  We are hosted at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

167,864 Presidential and Non-Presidential Records

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Today in History

January 15, 1827
John Quincy Adams

To the House of Representatives of the United States:

In compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 20th of May last, I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State, touching the impressment of seamen from on board American vessels on the high seas or elsewhere by the commanders of British or other foreign vessels or ships of war since...

The American Presidency Project is the only free online searchable database including all of:

  • Donald Trump's Twitter 2015-2021

  • The Messages and Papers of the Presidents: 1789-1929

  • The Public Papers of the Presidents: since 1929

  • The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents: 1977-2009

  • The Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents: post-2009

Our archives also contain data related to Midterm Elections,  U.S. Party Platforms (from 1840), Statements of Administration Policy, White House Press Briefing TranscriptsPresidential Debate transcripts. Visit our Documents and Statistics to learn more.

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     Special thanks go to: 

       Sandy Otellini
       Marilyn Lee* & Harvey Schneider 
        (* UCSB Alumnus and UCSB Foundation Board Member)

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LBJ shaking hands with Martin Luther King after signing the civil rights act.

Starting in the late 20th Century, Presidential documents show a decidedly new emphasis on recognition of a wide variety of cultural groups

Arlington National Cemetery

Presidents have been central in establishing and modifying our practices for Memorial Day.