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Remarks in New York City Before the United Nations General Assembly Special Session Devoted to Disarmament
Ronald Reagan
Remarks in New York City to Employees of the United States Mission to the United Nations
Toasts of the President and United Nations Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar at a Luncheon in New York City
Remarks in New York City at a Reception for Delegates to the State Republican Convention
Remarks at a Fund-raising Dinner for Governor William P. Clements, Jr., in Houston, Texas
Remarks on Arrival in Berlin
Remarks to the People of Berlin
Remarks on Departure From Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany
Remarks Upon Returning From the Trip to Europe
Address Before the Bundestag in Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany
Remarks of the President and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to Reporters Following a Breakfast Meeting in London
Address to Members of the British Parliament
Toasts of the President and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at a Luncheon Honoring the President in London
Toasts of the President and Queen Elizabeth II at a Dinner Honoring the President at Windsor Castle in England
Remarks Following a Meeting With Pope John Paul II in Vatican City
Remarks in Vatican City at a Meeting With American Seminarians From the North America College and American Priests
Toast at a Luncheon Meeting With Italian President Alessandro Pertini in Rome
Radio Address to the Nation on the Trip to Europe
Remarks Commemorating the 38th Anniversary of the Normandy Invasion, D-Day
Remarks to United States Embassy Personnel and Their Families in Paris, France
Remarks of President Reagan and French President Francois Mitterrand Following a Working Luncheon in Paris
Toasts of President Reagan and French President Francois Mitterrand at a Dinner Honoring the French President in Paris
Remarks to Administration Officials and White House Staff on Departure for Europe
Interview With Western European Television Correspondents on the President's Trip to Europe
Remarks at Memorial Day Ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery
Radio Address to the Nation on the Federal Budget and the Western Alliance
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters in Santa Barbara, California, on Domestic and Foreign Policy Issues
Remarks in Santa Barbara, California, at the Annual Meeting of the Legislators of the Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Conference
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Rockwell International Employees
Remarks in Los Angeles at a California Republican Party Fund-raising Dinner
Remarks on Signing a Message to the Congress Transmitting Proposed Federal Energy Reorganization Legislation
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Domestic and Foreign Policy Issues
Remarks at a White House Meeting of Representatives and Supporters of International Youth Exchange Programs
Radio Address to the Nation on the Federal Budget
Interview With Representatives of Western European Publications
Remarks at a Fund-raising Dinner for Howard University
Remarks at a White House Reception for Members of the American-Retail Federation
Remarks of the President and King Hassan II of Morocco Following Their Meetings
Remarks Announcing the Formation of the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Centennial Commission
Remarks of the President and Prime Minister J. Malcolm Fraser of Australia Following Their Meeting
Radio Address to the Nation on Armed Forces Day
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Farmers From the Landenberg, Pennsylvania, Area
Remarks at a Fund-raising Luncheon for Governor Richard L. Thornburgh in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Fund-raising Reception for Senator John Heinz in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The President's News Conference
Remarks on Presenting the Small Business Person of the Year Award
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for President Joao Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo of Brazil
Toasts of President Reagan and President Joao Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo of Brazil at the State Dinner
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session During an Administration Briefing in Chicago, Illinois, for Editors From the Midwestern Region
Remarks at the Annual Foundation Luncheon of the YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago in Illinois
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With the Student Body of Providence-St. Mel High School in Chicago, Illinois
Address at Commencement Exercises at Eureka College in Illinois
Remarks at the Eureka College Alumni Association Dinner in Illinois
Radio Address to the Nation on Federal Budget Legislation and Unemployment Figures
Exchange With Reporters on Domestic and Foreign Policy Issues
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Fiscal Year 1983 Federal Budget Legislation
Remarks at a White House Ceremony in Observance of National Day of Prayer
Remarks at the Republican Congressional "Salute to President Ronald Reagan Dinner"
Exchange With Reporters Following a Visit With the Phillip Butler Family in Maryland
Radio Address to the Nation on the Program for Economic Recovery