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Statement by the President Upon Signing Bills Authorizing Release of Zinc and Nickel From the National Stockpiles.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Food and Agriculture Act of 1965.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the School Disaster Aid Act.
Statement by the President Following the Signing of the Federal Employees Salary Act of 1965.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Omnibus Rivers and Harbors Bill.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Authorizing the Southern Nevada Water Project.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Increasing Fees for Registration of New Securities Offerings.
Statement by the President Following the Signing of Bill Implementing U.S.-Canadian Agreement on Automotive Products.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Service Contract Act of 1965.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Health Professions Educational Assistance Amendments.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the National Vocational Student Loan Insurance Act.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Providing Grants for Medical Library Services and Facilities.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Foreign Assistance and Related Agencies Appropriation Act.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Relating to Concession Rights in National Parks.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Increasing War Orphans' Educational Assistance Allowances.
Statement by the President Following the Signing of the United Nations Participation Act Amendments.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Extending the Incentive Awards Program to Members of the Armed Forces.
Statement by the President Following the Signing of Law Enforcement Assistance Bills.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Military Construction Authorization Act.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bills Providing Rehabilitative Techniques for Adult Offenders.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Foreign Assistance Act.
Statement by the President on the Signing of the Labor, HEW, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Authorizing Apportionment of Funds for the Interstate Highway System.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bills Providing Additional Benefits for Disabled Veterans.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Amending the Atomic Energy Act.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Military Pay Raise Bill.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Limiting Duty-Free Imports by Tourists.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Authorizing a New Embassy in Saigon.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill To Carry Out U.S. Obligations Under the International Coffee Agreement.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Authorizing Increased Funds for Vocational Training of American Indians.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Relating to the Inter-American Development Bank.
Statement by the President Upon Approving Civil Rights Regulations Covering the Programs of Federal Departments and Agencies.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Relating to Claims of U.S. Nationals Against the Government of Cuba.
Statement by the President Upon Approving the Reserve Officers' Training Corps Vitalization Act.
Statement by the President Upon Approving Bill Authorizing a Retirement System for Certain Employees of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Statement by the President Upon Approving a Veterans' Life Insurance and Pension Bill.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Extending the Agricultural Trade and Assistance Act.
Statement by the President Upon Approving Bill Providing for a Site Study for a New Interoceanic Canal.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Water Resources Research Act.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Providing Aid for Alaska.