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Letter to the Foreign Economic Administration on Postwar Policies.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Letter on War Agency Liquidation and Administrative Reorganization for Peace.
Letter on the Elimination of Cartels.
Letter on Self-Government for Puerto Rico.
Letter on Reconversion Planning.
Letter Endorsing Truman or Douglas for the Vice-Presidential Nomination
Letter on the Vice-Presidential Nomination
Letter Asking if the President Will Accept a Nomination for a Fourth Term
Letter Agreeing to Accept a Nomination for a Fourth Term.
Letter Against Ordering Deferment of Premedical Students.
Cablegram to Ambassador Robert Murphy in Algiers on Bringing Refugees to the United States.
Letter on Preference for Veterans in Federal Employment.
Telegram to Alben Barkley Asking Him Not to Resign as Majority Leader.
Appointment of a Committee to Investigate Discrimination in Railroad Employment
Letter on Seizure of the Coal Mines.
Letter to Aubrey Williams on His Resignation from the N.Y.A.
Letter to Churchill on the Transfer of Merchant Craft to Great Britain.
Letter to Henry A. Wallace and Jesse H. Jones on Economic Warfare.
Letter of Resignation from Chester C. Davis, War Food Administrator.
Letter on the Resignation of Chester C. Davis.
Letter on War Bonds.
Telegram to Union Leaders on the Rubber Strike in Akron.
Letter to the United Nations Conference on Food and Agriculture.
Letter to Congress on Tax Bills.
Congratulations to General Eisenhower on the Victory in Tunisia.
Congratulations to General Giraud on the Victory in Tunisia.
Letter to the House Ways and Means Committee on Salary Limitation.
Letter of Encouragement to a Victim of Infantile Paralysis.
Letter Against a Repeal of the $25,000 Net Salary Limitation
Congratulations to Marshal Stalin on the Russian Victory at Stalingrad
Letter to the Federal Works Administrator Discontinuing the W.P.A.
Letter to the Rubber Director and the Price Administrator on the Rubber Conservation Program.
Congratulations to General Eisenhower on the Landings in North Africa.
Letter to the President of Portugal on America's Intentions in North Africa.
Congratulations to the U.S.S.R. on Its Twenty-fifth Anniversary.
Letter Praising the Heroism of the Greeks.
Letter to John J. Bennett, Jr., Endorsing Him for Governor of New York.
Letters to Leon Henderson on Ceiling Prices for Certain Foods and Rent Control.
Letter Opposing a Rise in the Parity Price Formula.
Cable to President Vargas on Brazil's Declaration of War.
Letter to Each Federal Department and Agency on Public Disagreements Between Federal Officials.
Letter to Bernard M. Baruch Requesting a Survey of the Rubber Situation.
Appointment of Admiral Leahy as Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief
Letter from Prime Minister Churchill on Shipping Space for Private Donations to Britain.
Reply to Prime Minister Churchill on Shipping Space for Private Donations to Britain.
Letter on National Physical and Moral Fitness.
Letter Accepting the Annual Award of The Churchman.
Letter on the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the New York Stock Exchange.
Letter to the President Recommending Suspension of Anti-Trust Proceedings.
Letter to the Economic Club of New York.
Letter on Professional Baseball During Wartime
Letter About Colin P. Kelly, III.
Letter on Renewal of the Neutrality Act.
Letter to John L. Lewis on the Captive Coal Mines Strike.
Letter Introducing W. Averell Harriman to Stalin.
Letter on Housing for Industrial Workers.
Letters on the Retirement of Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes
Appointment of Harold L. Ickes as Petroleum Coordinator for National Defense