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Joint Statement With the Prime Ministers of Great Britain and Canada Concerning Removal of Wartime Trade Controls.
Harry S Truman
Joint Statement Following Discussions With President de Gaulle of France.
Joint Report With Allied Leaders on the Potsdam Conference.
Proclamation by the Heads of Governments, United States, China and the United Kingdom
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Foreign Minister Sofianopoulos of Greece.
Joint Statement With Allied Leaders Warning Against Mistreatment of Prisoners in Germany.
Joint Statement with Churchill and Stalin on the Yalta Conference
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Joint Statement with Great Britain and Canada on the Retention of Boards.
Joint Statement with Prime Minister Churchill on Conditions in Italy.
Excerpts from the Joint Press Conference with Churchill and Mackenzie King in Quebec, Canada
Communique on a Meeting with Churchill and the President of Turkey.
Joint Communique with Churchill and Chiang Kai-shek on the Cairo Conference.
The Teheran Declaration
Joint Statement with Churchill and Stalin on Atrocities.
Joint Statement with Churchill on the Quebec Conference.
Excerpts from the Joint Press Conference with Prime Ministers Churchill and King in Quebec, Canada
Joint Statement with Churchill on Anti-Submarine Warfare.
Excerpts from the Joint Press Conference with Prime Minister Churchill
Excerpts from the Joint Press Conference with Mme. Chiang Kai-shek
Joint Statement with President Vargas of Brazil.