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Remarks in Manchester, New Hampshire
Theodore Roosevelt
Remarks at the State Fair Grounds in Concord, New Hampshire
Remarks at the Fair Ground in Bangor, Maine
Remarks on the Balcony of the Hotel in Bangor, Maine
Remarks in Ellsworth, Maine
Remarks in Waterville, Maine
Remarks in Portland, Maine
Remarks in Haverhill, Massachusetts
Remarks in Lewiston, Maine
Remarks in Lawrence, Massachusetts
Remarks in Old Orchard, Maine
Remarks in Lowell, Massachusetts
Remarks in Dover, New Hampshire
Remarks in Augusta, Maine
Remarks in Lynn, Massachusetts
Remarks in Nahant, Massachusetts
Remarks at Symphony Hall in Boston, Massachusetts
Remarks in Riverpoint, Rhode Island
Remarks in Providence, Rhode Island
Remarks in Willimantic, Connecticut
Remarks at the Coliseum in Hartford, Connecticut
Remarks on Reviewing the Second Regiment of the National Guard of New Jersey in Sea Girt, New Jersey
Remarks at a Banquet Given By Attorney General Philander Knox in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Remarks at the Convention of the International League of Press Clubs in Boston, Massachusetts
Remarks at the Harvard Commencement Dinner in Cambridge, Massachusetts
Remarks to the Spanish War Veterans in Boston, Massachusetts
Remarks at The Centennial Celebration of the Establishment of the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York
Remarks at the Opening Session of the Military Surgeons' Association
Remarks on Memorial Day in Arlington, Virginia
Remarks at the Unveiling of the Rochambeau Statue in Washington, DC
Remarks at a Luncheon Given in Honor of the President on Board the French Battleship Gaulois in Annapolis, Maryland
Remarks on the Occasion of the Unveiling of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument at Arlington, Under the Auspices of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in Arlington, Virginia
Remarks at the Centennial Meeting of the Board of Home Missions of the Presbyterian Church at Carnegie Hall in New York City
Remarks at the Overflow Meeting of the Centenary of Presbyterian Home Missions at Central Presbyterian Church in New York City
Remarks at the Exercises of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland, Attending the Reburial of Major General William Stark Rosecrans at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia
Remarks at the Laying of the Cornerstone of the McKinley Memorial Ohio College of Government of the American University
Remarks at the Banquet of the Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
Commencement Address at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland
Remarks at the Banquet at Sherry's in Honor of Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, President of Columbia University in New York City
Remarks in Charlotte, North Carolina
Remarks in Columbia, South Carolina
Remarks at the Charleston Exposition in Charleston, South Carolina
Remarks at a Banquet in Charleston, South Carolina
Remarks in Charlottesville, Virginia
Remarks at the Reunion of the Department of the Potomac, Grand Army of the Republic at the New Willard Hotel
President McKinley's Last Public Utterance to the People in Buffalo, New York
William McKinley
Inaugural Address
Remarks in Alliance, Ohio
Remarks in Salem, Ohio
Remarks Following the Election Victory in Canton, Ohio
Address Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination
Speech at Antietam Battlefield in Sharpsburg, Maryland
Speech at the Banquet in Atlanta, Georgia
Speech Before the Legislature in Joint Assembly at the State Capitol in Atlanta, Georgia
Address at the Trans-Mississippi Exposition in Omaha, Nebraska
Remarks to the Commission Appointed to Investigate the Administration of the War Department in the Spanish-American War
Address in New York City Accepting the Democratic Nomination for President
William Jennings Bryan
Remarks to the Notification Committee of the Republican National Convention Accepting the Presidential Nomination
Remarks to the Notification Committee of the Republican Convention Accepting the Presidential Nomination in Canton, Ohio