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Address at the Spokane Armory in Spokane, Washington
Woodrow Wilson
Address at the Fairgrounds Auditorium in Billings, Montana
Address at the Opera House (Marlow Theater) in Helena, Montana
Address at Belle Mehus Auditorium in Bismarck, North Dakota
Address from Rear Platform in Mandan, North Dakota
Address to the Minnesota State Legislature in St. Paul
Address at the University of Minnesota Armory in Minneapolis
Address at the St. Paul Auditorium in St. Paul, Minnesota
Address at the Omaha Auditorium in Omaha, Nebraska
Address at the City Coliseum in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Address at Convention Hall in Kansas City, Missouri
Address at the Coliseum in Des Moines, Iowa
Address at a Luncheon at the Hotel Statler in St. Louis, Missouri
Address at the Coliseum in St. Louis, Missouri
Address at the Coliseum at the State Fair Grounds in Indianapolis, Indiana
Address at Memorial Hall in Columbus, Ohio
Address from Rear Platform in Richmond, Indiana
Remarks to the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate
Address to Congress On the High Cost of Living
Address to the Senate on the Versailles Peace Treaty
Memorial Day Address at Suresnes Cemetery, France
Address Upon Reporting the Covenant at the Plenary Session of the Peace Conference in Paris, France
Address at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City
Address Following Arrival from the Paris Peace Conference in Boston, Massachusetts
Address at the Third Plenary Session of the Peace Conference in Paris, France
Remarks to the Delegation from the French Society of Nations in Paris, France
Remarks to the League for the Rights of Man in Paris, France
Address to the Peace Conference in Paris, France
Remarks to the Delegation of Working Women of France in Paris
Remarks to the French Senate in Paris
Remarks at the Opening of the Peace Conference in Paris, France
Remarks at the University of Turin, Italy
Remarks at the Palazzo Civico in Turin, Italy
Remarks on the Balcony of the Palazzo Civico in Turin, Italy
Remarks at The Philharmonic Club in Turin, Italy
Remarks on the Balcony at The Philharmonic Club in Turin, Italy
Remarks at the Central Train Station in Milan, Italy
Remarks at the Palazzo Reale in Milan, Italy
Remarks to the League of Mothers and Widows in Milan, Italy
Remarks at the Palazzo Marino in Milan, Italy