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Address Dedicating Wicker Memorial Park to World War Veterans, Hammond, Ind.
Calvin Coolidge
Address Before the First International Congress of Soil Science, Washington, D.C.
Address Bestowing Upon Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh the Distinguished Flying Cross in Washington, D.C.
Address at the Thirteenth Regular Meeting of the Business Organization of the Government, Washington, D.C.
Excerpts of the President's News Conference
Address on Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia
Address at the Annual Session of the American Medical Association, Washington, D.C.
Address Before the Third Pan American Commercial Conference at Washington, D.C.
Address at the Dinner of the United Press in New York City on Difficulties with Mexico, Nicaragua and China
Address to a Joint Session of Congress in Anticipation of Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary, in 1932, of the Birth of George Washington
Address at the Twelfth Regular Meeting of the Business Organization of the Government, Washington, D.C.
Address at the 150th Anniversary of the Battles of Trenton and Princeton, Trenton, N.J.
Address at the Dedication of the Liberty Memorial at Kansas City, Missouri
Address Before the American Association of Advertising Agencies in Washington, D.C.
Address at the Annual Convention of the American Red Cross in Washington, D.C.
Excerpts of the President's News Conference at White Pine Camp in Paul Smiths, New York