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Letter to Clarence Francis Requesting Him To Serve as Chairman of Interagency Committee on Agricultural Surplus Disposal.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Letter to Members of Interagency Committee on Agricultural Surplus Disposal.
Letter to Secretary Mitchell Establishing an Interdepartmental Committee on Migratory Labor.
Letter to Harry A. Bullis of Minneapolis on Foreign Economic Policy.
Letter to Chairmen, Senate and House Agriculture Committees, on the Farm Bills in Conference.
Letter Directing the Attorney General To Petition for an Injunction in Labor Dispute at the Atomic Energy Commission Facilities at Oak Ridge and Paducah.
Exchange of Letters Between the President and Chancellor Adenauer Concerning Vested German Assets in the United States.
Letter to President Hoover on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday.
Letter to the Governor of New York Congratulating Him on Establishing a Committee To Assist in Implementing the Refugee Relief Act.
Letter to the Governors of the States Urging Them To Establish Committees To Assist in Implementing the Refugee Relief Act
Letter to Herbert Hoover, Jr., on His Contribution to the Settlement of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Dispute.
Letter to Ambassador Loy W. Henderson on His Contribution to the Settlement of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Dispute.
Exchange of Letters Between the President and the Shah of Iran Concerning the Settlement of the Oil Problem.
Letter to Joseph T. Meek, Illinois Republican Candidate for the Senate.
Letter to Secretary Weeks Establishing a Cabinet Committee on Transport Policy and Organization.
Letter to Dr. Chester I. Barnard, Chairman, National Science Board, Concerning United States Participation in the International Geophysical Year.
Exchange of Letters Between the President and President Coty of France After the Fall of the Laniel Cabinet.
Letter to Secretary McKay Establishing a Cabinet Committee on Water Resources Policy.
Letter to Charles H. Percy of Chicago Concerning the President's Foreign Economic Policy Proposals.
Letter to the Secretary of Defense Directing Him To Withhold Certain Information from the Senate Committee on Government Operations.
Letter to General Wladyslaw Anders of the Polish Armed Forces in Exile on Commemoration of the Battle of Monte Cassino.
Telegram Inviting the Governors of States Afflicted by Dust Storms To Attend Conference at the White House.
Letter to Lindsay Warren Regarding His Retirement as Comptroller General of the United States
Letter Accepting Resignation of Joseph M. Dodge as Director of the Bureau of the Budget.
Letter to the Governors of the States and Territories Requesting Them To Serve as Honorary Chairmen, United Defense Fund.
Letter to Prime Minister Nehru of India Concerning U.S. Military Aid to Pakistan.
Letter to Governor Thornton, Chairman of the Governors' Conference 1954, Proposing a Visit to Korea by a Select Group of Governors.
Letter to Frederic L. Vorbeck, Executive Chairman, United Catholic Organizations for the Freeing of Cardinal Mindszenty.
Letter to Walter Reuther, President, United Automobile Workers, CIO, Concerning Economic Growth and Stability.
Letter to President Hoover Regarding the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch
Letter to Julius Ochs Adler, Chairman, National Security Training Commission, Concerning the Reserve Establishment.
Letter to the Governors of the States Calling for a Conference on Highway Safety.
Letter to Dr. Joseph J. Eller, Executive Director, Pan American Medical Association.
Letter to Walter P. Reuther Extending Greetings to the 15th Constitutional Convention of the Congress of Industrial Organizations.
Letter to Myron M. Cowen Concerning the Philippine Elections.
Letter to Representative Clement J. Zablocki on the Arrest of Cardinal Wyszynski of Poland.
Letter to Secretary of the Interior McKay Establishing a Cabinet Committee on Minerals Policy.
Exchange of Letters Between the President and President Paz Estenssoro of Bolivia Concerning the Need for Economic Assistance
Letter to the Attorney General Directing Him To Petition for an Injunction in the Maritime Strike.
Letter to the Chairman, Air Coordinating Committee, Requesting a Review of Aviation Policy.