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Telegram to the President of the American Federation of Labor Samuel Gompers on the Boston Police Strike
Calvin Coolidge
Letter to Bernard M. Baruch Requesting Acceptance of Nomination as Chair of the War Industries Board
Woodrow Wilson
Letter of Reply to the Pope
Letter to Republican Governors Declaring Willingness to Accept the Nomination for the Presidency
Theodore Roosevelt
Letter to Richard A. Ballinger Accepting His Resignation as Secretary of the Interior
William Howard Taft
Letter to Chief of the United States Forest Service Gifford Pinchot Notifying Him of His Dismissal from Office
Letter to Secretary of the Interior Richard A. Ballinger on Coal Land Claims in Alaska
Letter to Jacob H. Schiff, Read at the Celebration Commemorating the 250th Anniversary of the Landing of the Jews in This Country Held at Carnegie Hall in New York City
Letter to Kermit Roosevelt
Letter to Anna Cabot Mills Lodge
Letter to the Gettysburg Committee on Memorial Day Exercises
William McKinley
Letter to Chairman Marcus A. Hanna of the Republican National Committee
Letter Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination
Letter to Edward Johnson on the 250th Anniversary of Woburn, Massachusetts
Benjamin Harrison
Letter to Members of the Notification Committee of the Democratic National Convention Accepting the Presidential Nomination
Grover Cleveland
Letter Accepting the Presidential Nomination
Letter to the Virginia State Baptist Convention on Lawlessness in the Southern States
Letter to Western States Commercial Congress
Letter to the Secretary of the Interior Concerning Settlement on Railroad Lands
Letter to Members of the Notification Committee of the Republican National Convention Accepting the Presidential Nomination
James G. Blaine
James A. Garfield
Letter to General Henry White, President of the Pennsylvania Republican Convention on the Subject of a Third Presidential Term
Ulysses S. Grant
Letter Accepting the Liberal Republican Party Presidential Nomination
Horace Greeley
Letter to Senator John Sherman of Ohio on the Dominican Treaty
Letter to President Buenaventura Baez of the Dominican Republic
Letter to Joseph R. Hawley, President National Union Republican Convention, Accepting the Presidential Nomination
Abraham Lincoln
Reply to the Committee Recommending Nomination
Letter to Albert G. Hodges
Letter to James C. Conkling
Telegram to R.T. Lincoln
Letter in Reply to Horace Greeley on Slavery and the Union—The Restoration of the Union the Paramount Object
Letter to the Democratic National Convention Declining the Presidential Nomination
James K. Polk
Letter Accepting the Democratic Presidential Nomination
Letter to the Creek Indians
Andrew Jackson
Letter From the President Elect