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Fact Sheet: The Affordable Care Act: Healthy Communities Six Years Later
Barack Obama
Fact Sheet: Obama Administration Announces Key Actions to Accelerate Precision Medicine Initiative
Fact Sheet: How the Recovery Act Helped Save Us from a Second Great Depression and Made Critical Investments in our Long-Term Competitiveness
Fact Sheet: The Recovery Act Made The Largest Single Investment In Clean Energy In History, Driving The Deployment Of Clean Energy, Promoting Energy Efficiency, And Supporting Manufacturing
Fact Sheet: Seven Years Ago, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Helped Bring Our Economy Back from the Brink of a Second Great Depression
Fact Sheet: President Obama to Designate New National Monuments in the California Desert
Fact Sheet: Unprecedented U.S.-ASEAN Relations
Fact Sheet: President Obama Proposes New Funding to Build Resilience of Alaska's Communities and Combat Climate Change
Fact Sheet: Cybersecurity National Action Plan
Fact Sheet: The President's Fiscal Year 2017 Budget: Overview
Fact Sheet: U.S. Leadership in Securing First-Ever Global Carbon Emissions Standards for Commercial Airplanes
Fact Sheet: Preparing for and Responding to the Zika Virus at Home and Abroad
Fact Sheet: President's Budget Proposal to Advance Mission Innovation
Fact Sheet: President Obama Proposes New 'First Job' Funding to Connect Young Americans with Jobs and Skills Training to Start Their Careers
Fact Sheet: President Obama's 21st Century Clean Transportation System
Fact Sheet: Peace Colombia — A New Era of Partnership between the United States and Colombia
Fact Sheet: President Obama Proposes $1.1 Billion in New Funding to Address the Prescription Opioid Abuse and Heroin Use Epidemic
Fact Sheet: Obama Administration Announces Steps to Increase Nation's Resilience to Earthquakes
Fact Sheet: The FY2017 European Reassurance Initiative Budget Request
Fact Sheet: President Obama Announces Computer Science For All Initiative
Fact Sheet: New Steps to Advance Equal Pay on the Seventh Anniversary of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
Fact Sheet: Cities, Utilities, and Businesses Commit to Unlocking Access to Energy Data for Building Owners and Improving Energy Efficiency
Fact Sheet: Obama Administration Announces Major Investments in Preventing Child Hunger
Fact Sheet: Building a 21st Century Retirement System
Fact Sheet: Department of Justice Review of Solitary Confinement
Fact Sheet: The Administration Announces Historic Commitments to Build Climate Resilient Communities
Fact Sheet: President Obama Hosts Over 250 Mayors to Strengthen Partnerships and Grow the Economy
Fact Sheet: How Bold Investments By the Administration in the Auto Industry and City of Detroit Put Americans Back to Work and Strengthened the Economy
Fact Sheet: United States - Australia Cooperation: Deepening Our Strategic Partnership
Fact Sheet: Improving Economic Security by Strengthening and Modernizing the Unemployment Insurance System
Fact Sheet: Maintaining Momentum in the Fight Against ISIL
Fact Sheet: The United States and Central America: Honoring Our Commitments
Fact Sheet: President's Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons
Fact Sheet: New Executive Actions to Reduce Gun Violence and Make Our Communities Safer
Fact Sheet: Obama Administration Releases National Action Plan for Combating Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Fact Sheet: One-Year Anniversary of the President's Policy of Engagement with Cuba
Fact Sheet: Administration Announces Public-Private Innovation Strategy to Build a Sustainable Water Future
Fact Sheet: U.S. Leadership and the Historic Paris Agreement to Combat Climate Change
Fact Sheet: Council of Economic Advisers Releases Report Highlighting New Research on SNAP's Effectiveness and the Importance of Adequate Food Assistance
Fact Sheet: U.S. Assistance to Ukraine