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Statement by the President Concerning the Appointment of Frank B. Ellis, as Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization.
John F. Kennedy
Statement by the President Regarding Appointment of Robert Cutler as U.S. Executive Director of the Inter-American Development Bank.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Statement by the President: Appointment of E. R. Quesada as Administrator, Federal Aviation Agency.
Statement by the President on the Appointment of Harry J. Reed as Coordinator of Rural Development Program.
Letter Appointing Federal Members of the Joint Federal-State Action Committee
Letter to Clarence B. Randall on His Appointment as Special Assistant to the President for Foreign Economic Policy
Letter to Arthur F. Burns, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers, Appointing Him Chairman of Cabinet Committee on Small Business
Letter to Edward P. Curtis on His Appointment as Special Assistant to the President for Aviation Facilities Planning
Letter to Maj.. Gen. John S. Bragdon Appointing Him as Special Assistant to the President To Coordinate Public Works Planning
Letter to the Treasurer of the United States Appointing Her Chairman of the Interdepartmental Savings Bond Committee
Letter to William Randolph Hearst, Jr., Regarding His Appointment to the President's Committee for Traffic Safety and Its Advisory Council
Statement by the President Announcing the Appointment of Harold Stassen as Special Assistant to the President for Disarmament Studies.
Letter to Nelson A. Rockefeller Appointing Him Special Assistant to the President
Statement by the President on the Appointment of Admiral Jerauld Wright as Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic.
Letter to Michael V. DiSalle on His Appointment as Administrator, Economic Stabilization Agency
Harry S Truman
Statement by the President Upon Appointing Gen. Mark W. Clark To Succeed General Ridgway.
Statement by the President and Message Upon Appointing Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
Statement by the President Upon Appointing the Members of the Missouri Basin Survey Commission.
Letter to Frieda B. Hennock on Her Decision To Decline a Recess Appointment as a Federal Judge
Statement by the President on the Recess Appointment of Philip C. Jessup to the U.S. Delegation to the United Nations.
Letter to Stuart Symington on His Appointment as Administrator of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Statement by the President on the Appointment of Charles M. Spofford as Deputy U.S. Representative to the North Atlantic Council.
Letter to Gordon Gray Regarding His Appointment as Special Assistant to the President
Statement by the President on the Appointment of Gordon R. Clapp as Chairman of an Economic Survey Mission to the Near East.
Statement by the President Upon Appointing William H. Davis as Chairman of the Atomic Energy Labor Relations Panel
Letter to Lincoln MacVeagh on His Appointment as Ambassador to Portugal
Statement by the President Announcing Appointment of Members of the National Labor-Management Panel.
Letter to Dr. Vannevar Bush Upon His Appointment as Chairman, Research and Development Board
Letter Appointing Members to the Air Policy Commission
Letter Appointing Members of a Special Board of Inquiry on Air Safety
Letter Appointing Members of Panel on Labor Problems in Government-Possessed Plants or Mines
Letter to David Lilienthal on His Appointment as Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission
Statement by the President Upon Appointing Gordon R. Clapp as Chairman, Tennessee Valley Authority.
Letter Appointing Members to the National Commission on Higher Education
Statement by the President Upon Reappointing Myron Taylor as His Personal Representative at the Vatican.
Letter to Wilson Wyatt Appointing Him Housing Expediter
Letter to General Hans Kramer Appointing Him U.S. Representative in Negotiations Between Colorado and Kansas for Division of Waters of Arkansas River
Letter to Edward R. Stettinius Appointing Him U.S. Representative on the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations
Letter to Secretary Morgenthau Concerning the Appointment of Fred M. Vinson as His Successor
Statement by the President Announcing the Appointment of Dr. Isador Lubin to the Reparations Commission.
Letter to Edwin W. Pauley Appointing Him as the President's Personal Representative on the Reparations Commission
Appointment of a Committee to Investigate Discrimination in Railroad Employment
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Appointment of Admiral Leahy as Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief
Statement on the Appointment of William J. Donovan as Coordinator of Information.
Letter of Appointment to a Committee on Supplying Electric Power in a National Emergency
Statement and Letter on the Appointment of a Special Committee on Farm Tenancy
Announcement of the Appointment of the Great Plains Drought Area Committee
Statement on the Appointment of The First National Labor Board.
Statement Announcing the Appointment of Atlee Pomerene as Chairman of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
Herbert Hoover
Statement Announcing Appointments to the Department of the Treasury.
Statement on the Appointment of Andrew W. Mellon as United States Ambassador to Great Britain.
Statement on Appointments to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
Statement on Appointments to the United States Delegation to the General Disarmament Conference.
Statement on the Appointment of Walter S. Gifford as Director of the President's Organization on Unemployment Relief.
Statement on the Appointment of John R. Alpine to the United States Employment Service.
Statement on the Appointment of the Secretary of Labor.
Statement About Appointments to the United States Tariff Commission.
Statement About Appointments to the Federal Reserve Board.
Statement About the Appointment of General Douglas MacArthur as Army Chief of Staff.
Statement on the Appointment of Members to the President's Commission for the Study and Review of Conditions in the Republic of Haiti.