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Proclamation—Amendments of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act Regulations
Warren G. Harding
Proclamation—Poland and Danzig-Suspension of Tonnage Dues
Proclamation—Memorial Day
Proclamation—Forest Protection Week-1921
Proclamation—Appointing James C. Davis Director General of Railroads
Proclamation—Extra Session of Congress, 1921
Proclamation 1584—Special Session of the Senate
Woodrow Wilson
Proclamation 1582—Copyright—Denmark
Proclamation 1580—Thanksgiving, 1920
Proclamation 1579—Canceling Licenses of Dealers in Sugar and Sugar By-Products
Proclamation 1573—Fire Prevention Day—1920
Proclamation 1570—Opening of the Panama Canal
Proclamation 1566—Appointment of Commission to Arbitrate Wage Differences Between the Anthracite Coal Operators and Miners
Proclamation 1562—Extension of Time for Payments for Crow Indian Lands, Montana
Proclamation 1560—Copyright—Great Britain
Proclamation 1558—Authorizing the Director General of Railroads to Continue Certain Duties Regarding the Railroads Vested in the President
Proclamation 1557—Copyright—Sweden
Proclamation 1539—Thanksgiving Day, 1919
Proclamation 1530—Declaring Unlawful the Exportation to Mexico of Arms or Munitions of War
Proclamation 1520—Boy Scout Week
Proclamation 1506-B—Announcing the Death of Ex-President Theodore Roosevelt
Proclamation 1496—Thanksgiving Day, 1918
Proclamation 1473—Issuance of Passports and Granting of Permits to Depart from and Enter the United States
Proclamation 1445—Decoration Day, 1918
Proclamation 1444—Red Cross Week
Proclamation 1433—Opening to Settlement Certain Lands on the Former Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana
Proclamation 1419—Government Assumption of Control of Transportation Systems
Proclamation 1412—Manzano National Forest, Arizona and New Mexico
Proclamation 1405—Thanksgiving Day, 1917
Proclamation 1397—Modfying the Boundaries of the Cache National Forest, Idaho and Utah
Proclamation 1370—Conscription
Proclamation 1369—Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana
Proclamation 1367—Opening to Settlement Lands Within the Former Fort Berthold Indian Reservation
Proclamation 1365—Disposal of Lands in the Crow Indian Reservation, Montana
Proclamation 1364—Declaring That a State of War Exists Between the United States and Germany
Proclamation 1361—Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana
Proclamation 1362—Modfying the Boundaries of the Crook National Forest, Arizona
Proclamation 1359—Ukranian Relief Day
Proclamation 1357—Calling an Extra Session of the Senate
Proclamation 1354—Emergency in Water Transportation of the United States