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Address to Western Europe From the Venice Economic Summit
Ronald Reagan
Statement on Proposed Soviet-United States Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force Reductions
Remarks on Departure for the Venice Economic Summit
Remarks Announcing the Nomination of Alan Greenspan To Be Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Written Responses to Questions Submitted by Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata of Italy
Message to the Congress on Trade With Romania, Hungary, and China
Presidential Determination No. 87-14 - Trade With Romania, Hungary, and China
Proclamation 5664—Flag Day and National Flag Week, 1987
Written Responses to Questions Submitted by Deutsche Presse- Agentur of the Federal Republic of Germany
Proclamation 5663—George C. Marshall Month, June, 1987
Remarks to the Winners of the 1987 Elementary School Essay Project on the Constitution
Remarks on Signing the New GI Bill Continuation Act
Statement on Signing the New GI Bill Continuation Act
Remarks on Signing the George C. Marshall Month Proclamation
Remarks at the American Foundation for AIDS Research Awards Dinner
Radio Address on Drug Abuse and Trafficking
Remarks on United States Policy in the Persian Gulf
Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Manufacturers
Designation of Ann Barbara Wrobleski as United States Representative on the Commission on Narcotic Drugs of the United Nations Economic and Social Council
Interview With Foreign Television Journalists Prior to the Venice Economic Summit