Remarks on Signing the Japan-United States Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement
The President. Prime Minister Takeshita and I have just signed a new agreement on cooperation in research and development in science and technology. This agreement provides for joint initiatives to strengthen our bilateral science and technology relationship. It's based on the principles of mutual and equitable contributions and benefits. In it, we set forth the policy framework for this overall relationship. Our hope is to strengthen the relationship for peaceful purposes.
The United States and Japan have a long history of scientific and technological cooperation. This cooperation has benefited both our nations. It has included joint government-to-government research projects, exchanges of students and scholars, and private industry research. When we look to the future, it is clear that science and technology will grow even more important to our mutual well-being. With this in mind, and recognizing the great contributions both of our scientific establishments have to offer to world prosperity, we seek to enhance cooperation in a number of research areas of national importance. Under this agreement we will establish a joint high-level committee to meet at least annually for the purpose of reviewing matters of importance in the field of science and technology. This joint committee will also review and discuss policy issues related to the overall science and technology relationship between our two countries and the cooperative activities under this agreement. I might add that this new agreement is already bearing fruit, and I thank the Prime Minister for his efforts in this regard.
Thank you, and God bless you.
The Prime Minister. It is my deep pleasure to join you, Mr. President, in signing this Japan-U.S. Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement. This agreement lifts our sights to the 1990's and beyond, establishing a practical framework for cooperation between Japan and the United States, two leading nations on the cutting edge of the pursuit of new knowledge. I wish to stress that our collaboration under this agreement is not exclusive. It is open to be shared by all the world. Indeed, I cherish the hope that our joint endeavors, particularly on the frontiers of advanced science and technology, will bear rich fruit and will contribute significantly, not only to the well-being of our two peoples, but also to peaceful progress and prosperity throughout the world. I offer my sincere appreciation to you, Mr. President, and I extend my warm thanks to all those in both our nations whose vision and efforts have shaped this important understanding.
Thank you.
Note: The President spoke at 4:43 p.m. in the ballroom at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto, Canada. The Prime Minister spoke in Japanese, and his remarks were translated by an interpreter.
Ronald Reagan, Remarks on Signing the Japan-United States Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/254827