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Executive Order
William McKinley
Executive Order—Withdrawn Navajo Lands
Proclamation 443A—Announcing the Death of Vice President Garret Augustus Hobart
Proclamation 443—Copyright Privilages for Subjects of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Proclamation 442—Reserving for Naval Purposes Certain Lands in Honolulu, Hawaii
Proclamation 441—Thanksgiving Day, 1899
Proclamation 440—Enlarging the Prescott Forest Reserve in the Territory of Arizona
Proclamation 439—Copyright Privileges for Citizens of the Republic of Costa Rica
Proclamation 438—Establishing the Santa Ynez Forest Reserve in the State of California
Executive Order 119—Amendments to the Civil-Service Rules
Proclamation 437—Establishing the Lake Tahoe Forest Reserve in the State of California
Proclamation 436—Concerning Settlement in the Southern Ute Indian Reservation
Proclamation 435—Reserving for Naval Purposes Certain Lands in Puerto Rico
Proclamation 434—Revoking Customs Duties on Vessels Entering the United States From Ports of the Island of Trinidad