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The President's News Conference
John F. Kennedy
Address Before the Conference on Trade Policy.
Remarks to Participants in the World Food Forum.
Remarks to Members of the Committee for Economic Development.
Remarks by Telephone to the Mayors' Conference at Miami Beach.
Remarks at Ceremonies Honoring the Teacher of the Year.
Remarks to Visiting Members of the Mexican Congress.
Remarks to Groups Interested in Improving Sales of Agricultural Products Abroad.
Address in Milwaukee at the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner.
Remarks Upon Presenting Lifesaving Awards to Members of the School Safety Patrol
Toasts of the President and Andre Malraux, French Minister for Cultural Affairs
Remarks on Plans for a Permanent Scientific and Industrial Exposition in Washington.
Remarks at a Reception for Foreign Students on the White House Lawn
Remarks to Members of the Commerce Committee for the Alliance for Progress.
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Gerhardsen of Norway
Address in Atlantic City at the Convention of the United Auto Workers.
Remarks to a Group of Civil Air Patrol Cadets.
Remarks in New Orleans at a Civic Reception.
Remarks at Eglin Air force Base, Florida, After Witnessing a flying Demonstration.
Address in New Orleans at the Opening of the New Dockside Terminal.
Toasts of the President and Chancellor Gorbach of Austria
Address Before the United States Chamber of Commerce on Its 50th Anniversary.
Remarks at a Dinner Honoring Nobel Prize Winners of the Western Hemisphere.
Remarks to a Group of Descendants of Civil War Medal of Honor Winners
Remarks at the White House Correspondents and News Photographers Associations Dinner
Remarks of Welcome to Prime Minister Macmillan at Andrews Air force Base
Transcript of Interview With Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt Recorded for National Educational Television.
Remarks in Palm Beach Upon Opening by Remote Control the Seattle World's fair.
Remarks at a White House Musical Program for Youth.
Remarks Aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise After Observing Naval Maneuvers
Remarks at the Marine Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina.
Remarks of Welcome to the Shah and the Empress of Iran at the Washington National Airport
Toasts of the President and the Shah of Iran
Remarks on the 50th Anniversary of the Children's Bureau.
Remarks Upon Proclaiming Voluntary Overseas Aid Week.
Remarks to Representatives of State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committees.
Remarks of Welcome to President Goulart of Brazil at Andrews Air force Base