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Remarks Upon Signing the Urban Mass Transportation Act
Lyndon B. Johnson
Remarks at a Meeting With United States Attorneys.
Remarks to the Members of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity Upon Receiving Their Report.
Telephone Remarks on the Occasion of the Keel-Laying of the U.S.S. Vallejo.
Radio and Television Remarks Upon Signing the Civil Rights Bill
Remarks Upon Signing Bill Broadening the Prevailing Wage Section of the Davis-Bacon Act
Remarks at the Swearing In of General Taylor as Ambassador to Viet-Nam.
Remarks at the Swearing In of John T. McNaughton, Daniel Luevano, Solis Horwitz, and Robert W. Morse as Key Officials in the Department of Defense
Toasts of the President and President Orlich of Costa Rica
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to President Orlich of Costa Rica
Remarks Upon Introducing Henry Cabot Lodge to the Press Upon His Return From Viet-Nam
Remarks at the Swearing In of Dr. Mary I. Bunting as a Member of the Atomic Energy Commission.
Remarks at the Annual Swedish Day Picnic, Minnehaha Park, Minneapolis
Remarks Upon Arrival at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.
Remarks in St. Paul at the Minnesota State Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party Convention.
Remarks at a Fundraising Dinner in Minneapolis
Remarks at a Fundraising Dinner in Detroit
Remarks on the Proposed Redwoods National Park in Northern California.
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Menzies of Australia
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to Prime Minister Papandreou of Greece
Remarks Upon Presenting the Distinguished Service Medal to General Harkins
The President's News Conference
Remarks to the President's Conference on Occupational Safety.
Remarks on the Transfer to New Jersey of Lands for the Sandy Hook State Park.
Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Inonu of Turkey
Remarks of Welcome at the White House to Prime Minister Inonu of Turkey
Remarks Upon Presenting the President's Awards for Distinguished federal Civilian Service
Remarks at the Dedication of a New University of California Campus in Irvine
Remarks in Los Angeles at a Democratic Fundraising Dinner
Remarks in San Francisco at a Democratic Fundraising Dinner
Remarks in San Francisco at the Dedication of the Federal Building.
Remarks in Concord, California, at the Groundbreaking for the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit Test Track.
Remarks Upon Arrival at Edwards Air Force Base, California.
Telephone Remarks With Prime Minister Ikeda of Japan Inaugurating the Trans-Pacific Cable.
Remarks in Cleveland at the Convention of the Communications Workers of America.
Remarks Upon Arrival at the Airport in Cleveland
Remarks to Members of the International Executive Service Corps.
Remarks on Mental Retardation to a Group From the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., Foundation.
Toasts of the President and Chancellor Erhard
Remarks to Delegates to the Equal Pay Conference.