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Letter on Navy Day.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Letter to the Annual Convention of the American Legion.
Letter to Robert Fechner Congratulating the C.C.C.
Letter to the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Telegram of Congratulations to the New Commander-in-Chief of the Salvation Army.
Letter to the National Conference on Street and Highway Safety.
Exchange of Letters and Telegrams between the President and Senator Thomas D. Schall.
Letter to Alben Barkley Urging Equal Opportunity to Exercise the Right to Vote. From U.S.S. Houston.
Letter to Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes Establishing the National Power Policy Committee.
Letter to the Advertising Federation of America.
Letter to Governor H. G. Kump of West Virginia on the Accomplishments of N.R.A.
Letter to Governor John G. Winant of Hew Hampshire Regarding Minimum Employment Standards.
Letter to Senator M. M. Logan Urging Legislation on Petroleum Production.
Telegrams on the Settlement of the Dispute between Colombia and Peru.
Letter on the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Cardinal Gibbons.
Letter to the National Editorial Association.
Letter to the American Judicature Society.
Letter on the Modernization of the Criminal Law.
Letter on Brotherhood Day.
Letter to the United Parents Associations.
Letter to the National League of Women Voters.
Letter to Joseph B. Eastman on the Railway Wage Dispute.
Letter on the Freedom of the Press.
Letter on Public School Problems.
Letter on Federal Supervision of Securities Sales.
Letter to Congressman Robert L. Doughton on Unemployment Insurance.
Letter to Railroad Management on the Railway Wage Dispute.
Letter to Senator Henry P. Fletcher Requesting Legislation for Credit for Small Industries.
Letter to the Secretary of War Terminating Air Mail Service by the Army.
Letter to Kenneth McKellar Recommending Mail Legislation
Letter from Cordell Hull Submitting Report on the Inter-American Highway.
Letter to Emily R. Kneubuhl of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs.
Letter to National Recovery Administrator Hugh S. Johnson on Conditions in the Executive Order Approving the Code of Fair Competition for the Daily Newspaper Publishing Business
Letter to Marvin Jones Urging Crop Control of Cotton.
Letter to the Chief of Chaplains of the War Department.
Letter to Jesse Jones on the Lending Power of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
Letter on Treasury Secretary Woodin's Resignation.
A Telegram on the President's Opposition to the Return of the Saloon.
A Letter on the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Airplane.
A Letter on the Improvement of Agriculture.
The President Position on Haitian Bonds.
Exchange of Letters between the President and Mr. Litvinov.
A Letter Forming the Executive Committee on Commercial Policy.
Letter to Jesse Jones on a Plan to Admit Non-Member State Banks to the Deposit Insurance Fund.
Telegram to Great Lakes Harbors Association.
Exchange of Letters with Mikhail Kalinin. (October 10 and 17, 1933)
Letter to J. I. Banash on the Prevention of Accidents.
Telegram to Chicago Mayors' Conference Requesting Support of the P.W.A. Program.
Letter to Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd on the Departure of His Antarctic Expedition.
Letter to James A. Moss of the United States Flag Association on their Crusade Against Crime.
Letter of Congratulations to Mrs. Christopher J. Collins, Jr.
Telegram to Prime Minister MacDonald on the London Economic Conference.
Letter to Walter W. Head on the Fourth World Jamboree of the Boy Scouts.
Letter to the Postmaster General Regarding Executive Order 6203
Letter to Leon McCord on Repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment.
Letter to Henry A. Wallace on Cotton Adjustment Campaign.
Letter of Appreciation to the House of Representatives.
Letter Requesting Legislation to Help the Oil Industry
Letter to Mrs. Russell William Magna of the DAR.
Telegram Urging States to Adopt Minimum Wage Legislation.