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Letter to the Governors of the States Urging Them To Establish Committees To Assist in Implementing the Refugee Relief Act
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Letter to the Governors of the States and Territories Requesting Them To Serve as Honorary Chairmen, United Defense Fund.
Letter to Governor Thornton, Chairman of the Governors' Conference 1954, Proposing a Visit to Korea by a Select Group of Governors.
Letter to the Governors of the States Calling for a Conference on Highway Safety.
Letter to the Governors of the States Inviting Them to a Conference at the White House.
Exchange of Messages With Governor Dewey Concerning U.S. Action in Korea
Harry S Truman
Telegram to the Governors Concerning the Midcentury White House Conference on Children and Youth.
Letter to the Governors Convening the Highway Safety Conference.
Message in Response to Governor Dewey's Inaugural Greetings
Telegram to State Governors Urging Cooperation With the Citizens Food Committee.
Letter to Governor Pinero of Puerto Rico Upon Signing Bill Providing for an Elected Governor.
Letter to the Governor of Puerto Rico Disapproving a Bill Passed by the Territorial Legislature.
Telegram to the Governor of New York Concerning the St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Projects.
Request that Governors Report on the Effectiveness of the Soldier Vote Bill
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Appeal to Governors to Conserve Rubber by Reducing Speed Limits
Letter to All Governors on the Selective Service Act.
Letter to Several Governors on the Adoption of Housing Legislation.
Exchange of Telegrams on Cooperation in Foreign Policies.
Letter to all State Governors on a Uniform Soil Conservation Law.
Letter to Governors Urging Ratification of the Child Labor Amendment to the Constitution.
Telegram to Governor Landon, the Republican Candidate.
Invitation to Governors for a Drought Conference with the President.
Letter Urging Governor Herbert H. Lehman, of New York, to Run for Reelection.
Telegram Ordering Federal Relief after Florida Hurricane
Letter to Governors Requesting State Cooperation to Reduce Automobile Accidents.
Letter to Governors Requesting Cooperation in Forest Conservation.
Letter to State Governors Requesting Legislation to Supplement the National Housing Act.
Letter to Governor H. G. Kump of West Virginia on the Accomplishments of N.R.A.
Letter to Governor John G. Winant of Hew Hampshire Regarding Minimum Employment Standards.
Letter to Governors on the Oil Industry Emergency.
Message to Governor James R. Beverley on Hurricane Relief for Puerto Rico
Herbert Hoover
Message to Governor Gifford Pinchot of Pennsylvania on the Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Telegram to Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt of New York About the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Deep Waterway.
Message to the Governor of Rhode Island on State Unemployment Relief Efforts
Letter to Governor Harry G. Leslie About the Indiana Conference on Child Health and Protection.
Telegram to the Governor of Oklahoma Transmitting the Recommendations of the White House Conference on Drought Relief.
Telegrams to Governors Urging Stimulation of Public Works To Aid the Economy.
Letter to the Hon. Horace M. Towner, Governor of Porto Rico, on the Status of Porto Rico
Calvin Coolidge
Letter to Republican Governors Declaring Willingness to Accept the Nomination for the Presidency
Theodore Roosevelt
Message to Governor Benjamin G. Humphreys of Mississippi
Andrew Johnson
Message to Governor William Holden of North Carolina
Message to Governor Benjamin Franklin Perry of South Carolina
Message to Governor Smith of Vermont
Abraham Lincoln