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Letter to Governors on COVID-19 Testing
Donald J. Trump (1st Term)
Letter to Governor Jay R. "J.B." Pritzker of Illinois and Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot of Chicago, Illinois
Letter to Governors on Federal Coronavirus Guidelines
Letter to State and Local Officials Honoring Immigration and Customs Enforcement Officers and Customs and Border Protection Agents
Letter to Governor Angus S. King, Jr., on Disaster Assistance to Maine
George W. Bush
Letter to Governor Frank Keating on Disaster Assistance to Oklahoma City
William J. Clinton
Letter to Governor Mike Lowry on Disaster Assistance for Washington
Letter to Governor Pete Wilson on Disaster Assistance for California
Letter to Governor Edwin W. Edwards on Disaster Assistance for Louisiana
Letter to the Nation's Governors on Welfare Reform
Ronald Reagan
Heat and Drought Conditions in the United States Telegram Sent to Governors of 12 States.
Jimmy Carter
Labor Dispute in the Grain Industry Telegram to the Governors of Minnesota and North Dakota.
Independent Truckers' Strikes Letter to State Governors.
Undocumented Aliens Letter to State Governors.
Disaster Emergency in Mississippi Telegram to Governor Cliff Finch.
Disaster Emergency in Mississippi Telegram to Governor Cliff Finch and Mayor Dale Danks of Jackson,
Natural Gas Emergency Text of a Telegram to the Governors of 12 States.
Letter to Governors Urging Support for Energy Conservation Measures.
Richard Nixon
Telegram to the National Governors' Conference Meeting in Houston, Texas, Urging State Action on No-Fault Automobile Insurance.
Letter to Governors Urging Citizen Participation in Environmental Programs During Earth Week.
Letter to Governors Urging Their Cooperation in the Observance of Earth Week.
Letter to the Governors of the 50 States About the Use of Low-Lead Gasoline in State Vehicles.
Letter to the Governors of the States and Territories and the Mayor of the District of Columbia on the White House Conference on Children and Youth
Letter to Governor Rockefeller on Receiving His Report on His Latin American Mission.
Letter to the Governors on the Need for Improving State Law Enforcement Systems and Gun Control Legislation.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Telegram to the Governor of Maryland in Response to His Request for Federal Troops in Baltimore.
Telegram to the Acting Governor of Illinois in Response to His Request for Federal Troops in Chicago.
Telegram to Governor Romney and Mayor Cavanagh in Reply to Their Request for Disaster Relief Assistance in Detroit.
Telegram to the Governors Inviting Them to a Luncheon Honoring General Westmoreland.
Letter to the Governor of Alaska on the Completion of the Last Major Step in the Transition to Statehood.
Telegram to Governor Sanford on His Attack on Poverty in North Carolina.
Telegram to State Governors Announcing a Conference on Mental Retardation.
John F. Kennedy
Telegram to Governor Wallace Concerning Defederalization of the Alabama National Guard.
Telegram to Governor Wallace Concerning the Admission of Negro Students to the University of Alabama.
Telegram to Governor Wallace of Alabama.
Telegram to Governors of States Having Yet To Act on the Anti-Poll Tax Amendment.
Telegram to the Governor of Mississippi Tendering Federal Assistance in Removing a Sunken Chlorine Barge.
Message to Governor Munoz Marin on the 10th Anniversary of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Letter to Governor Rockefeller on Civil Defense.
Telegram to the Governors of the States Urging Action To Bolster the Economy by Speeding Up Public Works.
Letter to Governor Underwood of West Virginia on further federal Activities in Aid of Chronic Labor Surplus Areas.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Letter to the Governors Concerning Assumption by the States of Regulatory Functions Relating to Atomic Energy.
Message to the Governors' Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Letter to Governor Egan Concerning the Presentation to Alaska of the First 49-Star Flag.
Letter to the Governors of New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts on the Establishment of a Special Inter-Agency Committee on Textile Problems.
Telegram to the Governor of Mississippi Concerning Assistance by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Pearl River County
Letter to Governor Quinn Certifying to the Enactment of the Hawaii Statehood Bill.
Letter to Governor Michael A. Stepovich Certifying to the Enactment of the Alaska Statehood Bill.
Telegram to the Governor of New York Concerning the Economic Situation.
Telegram to the Governor of Oklahoma Accepting His Invitation to Participate in the. Semi-Centennial Celebration.
Telegram to the Governor of Arkansas in Response to His Request for a Meeting.
Telegram to the Governor of Arkansas in Response to His Request for Assurance Regarding His Action at Little Rock.
Letter to LeRoy Collins, Governor of Florida, in Response to a Proposal for a Conference of Southern Governors.
Letter to the Governors of the States on Traffic Safety.
Letter to Arthur B. Langlie, Chairman, the Governors' Conference, Transmitting Report of Interdepartmental Committee on Narcotics.
Letter to Governor Roberts of Rhode Island on the Establishment of Atomic Reactor Generating Plants in New England.
Letter to Governor Roberts of Rhode Island on the Recommendations of the New England Governors' Conference.
Letter to the Governors Concerning Uniform State Legislation on Absentee Voting Rights of Members of the Armed Services.
Letter to the Governors Concerning the State and White House Conferences on Education To Be Held in 1955.
Letter to the Governor of New York Congratulating Him on Establishing a Committee To Assist in Implementing the Refugee Relief Act.