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Student Loan Marketing Association Appointment of Two Members of the Board of Directors and Designation of Chairman.
Jimmy Carter
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Designation of Ambassador Ralph Earle II as Chairman of the U.S. Delegation.
President's Personal Representative to the Vatican Designation of Robert F. Wagner.
International Mediation Group for Nicaragua Designation of William G. Bowdler as U.S. Representative.
Consumer Product Safety Commission Designation of Susan B. King as Chairman.
Strategy Council Appointment of Seven Members and Designation of Executive Director.
Federal Regional Councils Designation of Chairpersons for the 10 Federal Regions.
Order Designating Order of Seniority of the Commissioners of the Copyright Royalty Tribunal
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission Designation of Timothy F. Cleary as Chairman.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Designation of Daniel E. Leach as Vice Chairman.
United States-Canada Maritime Boundaries and Related Resource Issues Designation of Lloyd N. Cutler as the President's Special Representative for Negotiations.
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Designation of Peter R. Rosenblatt as the President's Personal Representative to Negotiations on the Territory's Political Status.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Designation of Joseph M. Hendrie as Chairman.
President's Personal Representative to the Vatican Designation of David Walters.
International Whaling Commission Designation of William Aron as the U.S. Commissioner.
President's Commission on White House Fellowships Appointment of Members and Designation of Chairman.
Poznan International Technical Fair Designation of Representative Dan Rostenkowski To Be the President's Representative.
Council on Wage and Price Stability Appointment of Eight Members and Four Adviser-Members and Designation of Chairman.
National Labor Relations Board Designation of John H. Fanning as Chairman.
Interstate Commerce Commission Designation of A. Daniel O'Neal as Chairman.