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Federal National Mortgage Association Appointment of Three Members and Reappointment of One Member to the Board of Directors.
Jimmy Carter
United States Circuit Court Judgeships - Appointment of Five Merit Selection Panels To Recommend Nominees for the Positions
Statement on the Appointment of the New Members of the Intelligence Oversight Board
Council on Wage and Price Stability Appointment of Eight Members and Four Adviser-Members and Designation of Chairman.
Department of the Interior Appointment of R. Keith Higginson as Commissioner of Reclamation.
Special Assistant to the President for Consumer Affairs - Appointment of Esther Peterson
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Appointment of Three Members to the Commission.
President's Commission on Mental Health Appointment of 20 Members to the Commission.
National Commission on the Observance of International Women's Year, 1975 Appointment of Members and Presiding Officer of the Commission.
Committee on Selection of the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Appointment of the Chairman and Members of the Committee.