National Advisory Committee for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Appointment of Seven Members to the Committee.
The President today announced that he has appointed the following persons as members of the National Advisory Committee for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention for 4-year terms:
GEORGE P. BELITSOS, of Ames, Iowa. Belitsos, 30, has been director since 1973 of Youth and Shelter Services Inc., a community-based corrections and diversion program. He is a commissioner of the Iowa Crime Commission. He previously served as director of the Story County Youth Service Bureau, a consultant to the Iowa Drug Abuse Authority, and community program director for the Ames YMCA.
TIMOTHY S. DAVIS, of Tulsa, Okla. Davis, 23, is presently at the Democratic National Committee. He worked for Unified Delinquency Intervention Service in 1975 as a case manager, researcher, and evaluator. In 1974 he worked as administrative assistant to the warden at the Atlanta Correctional Center. Davis has done academic research on alternatives to child institutionalization, urban planning on police relations, and zoning and segregation patterns.
MARGARET C. DRISCOLL, of Bridgeport, Conn. Driscoll, 65, is chief judge of the Connecticut Juvenile Court. Before becoming a judge, she served as counsel, then legislative counsel to the Connecticut State Labor Council and practiced law in Bridgeport. She is president of the National Council of Juvenile Court Judges.
STEVEN D. STARK, of Atlanta, Ga. Stark, 25, is a student at Yale University Law School. He was issues coordinator for the Carter campaign in 1975 and early 1976 and before that was a reporter for several newspapers. In 1970 he was a researcher and counselor at the Narcotics Treatment Agency in Washington.
BARBARA T. SYLVESTER, of Florence, S.C. Sylvester, 48, is active in civic and community affairs in South Carolina. She is a member and former chairman of the South Carolina Board of Youth Services and a former chairman of the State Board of Juvenile Corrections. She worked on the creation of the South Carolina Department of Mental Retardation and is chairman of the Mumford G. Fuller Developmental Center Board, a community school for retarded children.
DIANA M. TAMEZ, of San Antonio, Tex. Tamez, 22, is completing a B.S. in psychology at the University of Texas. She works on a child abuse project at the Mexican American Neighborhood Civic Organization.
GENEVIEVE H. WILSON, of Baltimore, Md. Wilson, 59 has been a housewife since 1958. Before that she was an advertising sales representative for the Johnson Publishing Company in Chicago. She is a director of the Children's Guild in Baltimore, the National Conference of Christians and Jews, and the Family and Children's Society.
Jimmy Carter, National Advisory Committee for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Appointment of Seven Members to the Committee. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/242606