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Results   3951 - 3975 of 4072 records found

Date Related Document Title
Dec 03, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks Upon Presenting the Harmon Trophy to Maj. William J. Knight, USAF
Dec 03, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Unit Citation Awarded to Units of the 3d Squadron, 5th Cavalry, 9th Infantry Division, and to Battery B, 7th Battalion, 9th Artillery, USA
Dec 04, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks to Members of the Business Council.
Dec 04, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks at the Final Meeting of the President's Commission for the Observance of Human Rights Year 1968
Dec 05, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Joint Statement Following Discussions With the Prime Minister of Iran.
Dec 05, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks of Welcome at the White House to Prime Minister Amir Abbas Hoveyda of Iran
Dec 05, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Toasts of the President and the Prime Minister of Iran
Dec 07, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Executive Order 11439—Revoking Executive Order No. 11372, Designating the Lake Ontario Claims Tribunal as a Public International Organization Entitled to Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities
Dec 07, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Proclamation 3882—Human Rights Week
Dec 09, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson The President's Toast and Responses at a Dinner Honoring Members of the Space Program
Dec 10, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Statement by the President Upon Presenting the Medal of Honor to the Widow and Children of Capt. Riley L. Pitts, USA.
Dec 11, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Joint Statement Following Discussions With the Amir of Kuwait.
Dec 11, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Executive Order 11440—Providing for the Supplemental Use of Exhibits and Displays Created in Furtherance of Authorized Programs of Executive Departments and Agencies
Dec 11, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks of Welcome at the White House to the Amir of Kuwait
Dec 11, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Toasts of the President and the Amir of Kuwait
Dec 12, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Statement by the President on the Death of Senator E. L. Bartlett of Alaska.
Dec 12, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks Upon Receiving Report of the National Advisory Commission on Health Facilities.
Dec 13, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks in El Paso at the Inauguration of the New River Channel Completing the Chamizal Boundary Change.
Dec 13, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Toasts of the President and President Diaz Ordaz at the Luncheon in El Paso Following the Chamizal Ceremony
Dec 14, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Statement by the President Upon Receiving Report of Emergency Board Investigating a Railway Labor Dispute.
Dec 14, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks at the Dedication of the Austin Oaks Housing Project, Austin, Texas.
Dec 16, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Proclamation 3883—Wright Brothers Day, 1968
Dec 16, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks at the Lighting of the Nation's Christmas Tree
Dec 16, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Unit Citation Awarded the 21st Tactical Air Support Squadron, Pacific Air Forces.
Dec 16, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Unit Citation Awarded the 460th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, Pacific Air Forces.