In An Unfinished Love Story (Simon and Schuster 2024), presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin weaves biography, memoir, and history to tell the emotional journey she undertook with her husband, Richard Goodwin in the last years of his life.
To the Senate of the United States.
I transmit for the consideration and advice of the Senate a treaty concluded on the 3d day of September last with the Stockbridge and Munsee tribes of Indians, with a report from the Secretary of War and other documents in relation to it.
Our archives also contain data related to Midterm Elections, U.S. Party Platforms (from 1840), Statements of Administration Policy, White House Press Briefing Transcripts, Presidential Debate transcripts. Visit our Documents and Statistics to learn more.
In An Unfinished Love Story (Simon and Schuster 2024), presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin weaves biography, memoir, and history to tell the emotional journey she undertook with her husband, Richard Goodwin in the last years of his life.
Three questions for any Presidential Thanksgiving Proclamation:
Starting in the late 20th Century, Presidential documents show a decidedly new emphasis on recognition of a wide variety of cultural groups
Presidents have been central in establishing and modifying our practices for Memorial Day.