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Source of many WH announcements, readouts, press releases
Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations Appointment of Wayne E. Glenn as a Member.
Jimmy Carter
Committee for Purchase from the Blind and Other Severely Handicapped Appointment of Robert B. Heinemann and Diane S. Roupe as Members.
Presidential Commission on World Hunger Appointment of Thomas H. Wyman as a Member.
President's Commission on Mental Retardation Appointment of Six Members.
Statement by the White House Press Secretary on the Death of Three Newsmen in Guyana
Checklist of White House Press Releases
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Nomination of Irvine H. Sprague To Be a Member of the Board of Directors.
Digest of Other White House Announcements
United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Recess Appointment of George M. Seignious II as Director.
Ambassador at Large Nomination of W. Beverly Carter, Jr.
Student Loan Marketing Association Appointment of Two Members of the Board of Directors and Designation of Chairman.
National Council on the Humanities Recess Appointment of Nine Members.
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Appointment of Two Members of the Board of Directors.
Announcement of a White House Meeting to Discuss Implementation of the Hubert H. Humphrey North-South Scholarship
President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Appointment of 11 Members.
Emergency Board To Investigate an Airline Labor Dispute Appointment of the Membership.
Congressional Visit to the People's Republic of China Announcement of the Visit by a Bipartisan Congressional Delegation.
Acts Approved by the President
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Appointment of Frank R. Lockard as a Commissioner of the U.S. Section.