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Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Dinner in Cincinnati, Ohio
William J. Clinton
Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting a Report on Actions Concerning Digital Computer Exports
Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on Efforts To Achieve a Sustainable Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Statement on the Death of King Hassan II of Morocco
Remarks in a Conversation on Medicare in Lansing, Michigan
Remarks to the Overflow Crowd at Lansing Community College
Statement on House Action on a Proposed Republican Tax Cut
Statement on Senate Action on Proposed Hate Crimes Legislation
Interview With Mike Cuthbert of "Prime Time Radio" in Lansing, Michigan
Executive Order 13131—Further Amendments to Executive Order 12757, Implementation of the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative
Statement on Signing the National Missile Defense Act of 1999
Proclamation 7210—Imposition of Restraints on Imports of Certain Steel Products From the Russian Federation
The President's News Conference
Statement on Senate Inaction on the Nomination for Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division
Memorandum on the Ninth Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation
Remarks to Representatives of the Legal Community
Notice—Continuation of Iraqi Emergency
Remarks on the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and an Exchange With Reporters
Statement on Signing the Y2K Act
Remarks at a Democratic Business Council and Women's Leadership Forum Dinner