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Executive Order 6628—Withdrawal of Public Land for Use of the War Department, Washington
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 6622—Amendment of Executive Order No. 6440 of November 18, 1933, as Amended by Executive Order No. 6554 of January 10, 1934
Executive Order 6623—Establishment of the Federal Employment Stabilization Office in the Department of Commerce, Etc.
Executive Order 6624—Deferring Effective Date of Abolishment of Federal Employment Stabilization Board
Executive Order 6621—Placing Certain Government Property Under the Control and Jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior, Virgin Islands
Executive Order 6614—Transfer of Functions of the War Department Pertaining to National Cemeteries and Memorials in Europe to the American Battle Monuments Commission
Executive Order 6615—Exemption of Jacob L. Nuber from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 6616—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use as an Addition to the Cordova Aviation Landing Field, Alaska
Executive Order 6618—Public Water Reserve No. 154, Oregon
Executive Order 6619—Public Water Reserve No. 153, Arizona, Utah, and Wyoming
Executive Order 6617—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use in Connection with Walker River Indian Irrigation Project, Nevada
Executive Order 6620—Public Water Restoration No. 77, Wyoming
Executive Order 6620-A—Code of Fair Competition for the Fishery Industry
Executive Order 6620-B—Code of Fair Competition for the Hotel Industry, Modification of Executive Order of November 17, 1933
Executive Order 6613-A—Amendment to Code of Fair Competition for the Graphic Arts Industries and Daily Newspaper Publishing Business
Executive Order 6613—Revocation of Executive Order of June 18, 1931, Withdrawing Public Lands, Colorado
Executive Order 6612-A—Amendment of Executive Order No. 6580 of February 1, 1934
Executive Order 6611—Transfer of the Bureau of Mines from the Department of Commerce to the Department of the Interior
Executive Order 6612—Revocation of Executive Order of June 19, 1923, Establishing Certain Procedure Relative to Classification of Army Officers
Executive Order 6609—Exemption of John Bach from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 6610—Exemption of C. Frank Wittenauer from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 6607—Withdrawal of Public Land for Forest Fire Lookout Site, California
Executive Order 6608—Amendment of Executive Order No. 3761 Relating to Interest on Deposit Money Orders
Executive Order 6606—Veterans Regulation No. 2(c)
Executive Order 6606-A—Supplement to and Amplification of Executive Order No. 6355 of October 23, 1933
Executive Order 6606-B—Code of Fair Competition for the Graphic Arts Industries
Executive Order 6606-C—Code of Fair Competition for the Advertising Distributing Trade
Executive Order 6606-D—Supplementary Code of Fair Competition for the General Contractors Industry, A Division of the Construction Industry
Executive Order 6606-E—For the Electrotyping and Stereotyping Industry
Executive Order 6606-G—Code of Fair Competition for the Daily Newspaper Publishing Business
Executive Order 6605—Amendment of Executive Order No. 4728 Relating to Commutation of Rations and Quarters to Enlisted Men
Proclamation 2076—Extending for 1 Year the Period Within Which Advances May Be Made Under Section 10(B) of the Federal Reserve Act as Amended
Executive Order 6604—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Soil Classification, Nebraska and South Dakota
Executive Order 6604-A—Code of Fair Competition for the Laundry Trade
Executive Order 6604-B—Code of Fair Competition for the Restaurant Industry
Executive Order 6602—Allocation of Funds to the Federal Civil Works Administration
Executive Order 6603—Allocation of Funds to the Federal Emergency Relief Administration
Executive Order 6603-A—Authorization of Committee on Naval Affairs of the House of Representatives to Inspect Tax Returns
Executive Order 6601—Code of Fair Competition for the Retail Solid Fuel Industry
Executive Order 6601-A—Increasing the Membership of the Board of Trustees of Export-Import Bank of Washington
Executive Order 6606-F—Prescribing Rules and Regulations for the Interpretation and Application of Certain Labor Provisions of Codes of Fair Competition as They May Affect Handicapped Workers
Executive Order 6597—Code of Fair Competition for the Chemical Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6598—Code of Fair Competition for the Pleating, Stitching and Bonnaz and Hand Embroidery Industry
Executive Order 6599—Code of Fair Competition for the Gray Iron Foundry Industry
Executive Order 6600—Code of Fair Competition for the Trucking Industry
Executive Order 6593—Authorizing the Beet Sugar Committee to Accept the Voluntary Services of W. Lewis Abbott
Executive Order 6595—Authorizing the Director of the United States Employment Service to Accept Certain Voluntary Services
Executive Order 6596—Authorizing Willis R. Gregg to Act as Secretary of Agriculture
Executive Order 6594—Transferring to the Control and Jurisdiction of the Treasury Department a Portion of the Site of the Naval Reservation, Ediz Hook, Port Angeles, Washington
Executive Order 6591—Transportation of Air Mail During Emergency Created by Annulment of Domestic Air Mail Contracts
Executive Order 6592—Withdrawal of Public Land Pending Legislation, Oregon
Executive Order 6590—Coal-Land Restoration, New Mexico No. 52
Executive Order 6590-A—Delegation of Authority to Administrator for Industrial Recovery to Prescribe Rules and Regulations
Executive Order 6590-B—Delegation of Authority to Administrator for Industrial Recovery to Prescribe Rules and Regulations, Etc.
Proclamation 2075—Designating and Appointing Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Director General of Railroads, as the Agent Provided for in Section 206 of the Transportation Act, 1920
Proclamation 2074—Appointing Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Director General of Railroads
Executive Order 6584—Interdepartmental Transfer of Lands on Sand and Quarantine Islands, Territory of Hawaii
Executive Order 6585—Deferring Effective Date of Section 18 of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933
Executive Order 6586—Revocation of Section 18 of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933
Executive Order 6587—Public Grazing Withdrawal No. 4, Utah