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Radio Address to the Nation on the Fight Against Illegal Drugs
Ronald Reagan
Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the Prisoners of War Medal
Remarks at the Ford's Theatre Gala
Remarks at a Dinner Honoring Senator John C. Stennis of Mississippi
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Robert Hawke of Australia
Remarks at the Business Roundtable Annual Dinner
The President's News Conference in Toronto, Canada
Remarks to Members of the Empire and Canadian Clubs in Toronto, Canada
Remarks on Signing the Japan-United States Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement
Radio Address to the Nation on Economic Growth and the Situation in Nicaragua
Remarks on Free and Fair Trade to Members of the United States Information Agency Volunteer International Council
Remarks to the American Coalition for Trade Expansion With Canada
Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the Presidential Scholars Awards
Excerpts From an Interview With International Newspaper Journalists
Informal Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With Prime Minister Ciriaco De Mita of Italy
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Ciriaco De Mita of Italy
Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Council
Radio Address to the Nation on Economic Growth and Free and Fair Trade
Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the President's Volunteer Action Awards
Remarks at the National Conference on Corporate Initiatives for a Drug Free Workplace
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Luncheon With Radio and Television Journalists
Remarks to World Gas Conference Participants
Radio Address to the Nation on the Soviet-United States Summit Meeting in Moscow and the Toronto Economic Summit
Remarks to United States Embassy Personnel in London
Remarks Upon Returning From the Soviet-United States Summit Meeting in Moscow
Remarks to Members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London
Remarks Following the Soviet-United States Summit Meeting in Moscow
The President's News Conference Following the Soviet-United States Summit Meeting in Moscow
Remarks at the Exchange of Documents Ratifying the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With the Students and Faculty at Moscow State University
Remarks at a Luncheon Hosted by Artists and Cultural Leaders in MOSCOW
Toasts at a State Dinner Hosted by the President at Spaso House in Moscow
Remarks to Religious Leaders at the Danilov Monastery in Moscow
Remarks to Soviet Dissidents at Spaso House in Moscow
Toasts of the President and General Secretary Gorbachev of the Soviet Union at the State Dinner in Moscow
Remarks at the Opening Ceremony of the Soviet-United States Summit Meeting in Moscow
Radio Address to the Nation on the Soviet-United States Summit Meeting in Moscow
Remarks to the Paasikivi Society and the League of Finnish-American Societies in Helsinki, Finland
Remarks on Departure for the Soviet-United States Summit in Moscow
Interview With European Journalists
Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the "E" and "E Star" Awards
Address to the Citizens of Western Europe
Radio Address to the Nation on Armed Forces Day
Remarks at the American Film Institute's Preservation Ball Honoring Fred Astaire
Remarks at a Cuban Independence Day Ceremony
Interview With Soviet Television Journalists Valentin Zorin and Boris Kalyagin
Remarks at the White House News Photographers Association Annual Dinner
Interview With Foreign Television Journalists
Remarks at the United States Coast Guard Academy Commencement Ceremony in New London, Connecticut
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters
Remarks to Direct Connection Program Participants
Radio Address to the Nation on Free and Fair Trade
Remarks on Signing the National Safe Kids Week Proclamation
Remarks at the Annual Republican Congressional Fundraising Dinner
Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Lord Peter Carrington
Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the Small Business Person of the Year Awards
Radio Address to the Nation on the Soviet-United States Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
Remarks on the Unemployment Rate and an Informal Exchange With Reporters
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Members of the National Strategy Forum in Chicago, Illinois
Remarks on Signing the Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week Proclamation