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Sapelo Island, Georgia Informal Exchanges With Reporters.
Jimmy Carter
Remarks Announcing Establishment of the President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island
The President's News Conference
Vice President Mondale's Visit to the Nordic Countries and the Netherlands Remarks to Scandinavian and Dutch Journalists Concerning the Visit.
Richmond, Virginia Remarks at the State Democratic Party's Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner.
Interview With the President Remarks and a Question. and-Answer Session With Editors and News Directors.
Energy Address to the Nation.
Hospital Cost Containment Remarks at a White House Briefing on the Proposed Legislation.
Middletown, Pennsylvania Remarks to Reporters Following a Visit to the Three Mile Island Nuclear Facility
Wausau, Wisconsin Remarks at a Fundraising Reception for Representative David R. Obey.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Remarks at a Reception for Representative Clement J. Zablocki.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Remarks at the State Democratic Party's Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner.
Interview With the President Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With American Press Institute Editors.
Egypt-U.S. Business Council Remarks at a Dinner Honoring President Sadat.
Remarks of President Carter, President Anwar al-Sadat of Egypt, and Prime Minister Menahem Begin of Israel at the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty Signing Ceremony
Toasts at a State Dinner Honoring President Sadat and Prime Minister Begin on the Occasion of the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty
Elk City, Oklahoma Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Town Meeting.
Interview With the President Question-and-Answer Session With Dan Shilon of Israeli Television.
Interview With the President Question-and-Answer Session With Adib Andrawes of Egyptian Television.
Recording Industry Association of America Remarks at a White House Reception.
Remarks on Accepting the Conservationist of the Year Award From the National Wildlife Federation
The President's Trip to Egypt and Israel Remarks on Arrival at Andrews Air Force Base, Md.
Tel Aviv, Israel Remarks of the President and Prime Minister Begin at the Departure Ceremony.
Remarks Following a Meeting With President Sadat in Cairo, Egypt
Jerusalem, Israel Address Before the Knesset.
Toasts at a Dinner Honoring President Carter in Jerusalem, Israel
Jerusalem, Israel Remarks of the President and Prime Minister Menahem Begin Following a Meeting.
Cairo, Egypt Address Before the People's Assembly.
Giza, Egypt Remarks of President Carter and President Sadat Following a Meeting.
Tel Aviv, Israel Remarks of President Yitzhak Navon and President Carter at the Welcoming Ceremony.
Train Trip From Cairo to Alexandria, Egypt Informal Exchange With American Television Correspondents.
Toasts at a Dinner Honoring President Carter in Alexandria, Egypt
Cairo, Egypt Remarks of President Anwar at-Sadat and President Carter at the Welcoming Ceremony.
The President's Trip to Egypt and Israel Remarks on Departure From the White House.
Hospital Cost Containment Remarks Announcing Proposed Legislation.
Meeting With Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau of Canada Remarks on the Departure of the Prime Minister.
Small Business Conference Commission Remarks at the Swearing In of the Commission's Membership.
Democratic Fundraising Dinner Remarks by Videotape to the Dinner in Los Angeles, California.