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Address at a Union Religious Service at City Hall Park in Fresno, California
William Howard Taft
Address at a Banquet Tendered by Citizens of San Francisco at the Hotel Fairmont
Remarks to the Pupils of St. Mary's Academy in Portland, Oregon
Address at the Laying of the Cornerstone of the Universalist Church in Irvington, Portland, Oregon
Address at the Armory in Portland, Oregon
Address at the Armory in Tacoma, Washington
Address at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in Seattle, Washington
Address at Spokane, Washington
Remarks at the Young Men's Christian Association in Salt Lake City, Utah
Address at the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, Utah
Address at the Auditorium in Denver, Colorado
Address at Des Moines, Iowa
Address at the State Fair Grounds in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Address on the Tariff Law of 1909
Address at Orchestra Hall in Chicago, Illinois
Remarks at the Banquet of the Boston Chamber of Commerce in Boston, Massachusetts
Address at the Catholic Summer School of America in Cliff Haven, New York
Address at the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of Norwich, Connecticut
Address at the Unveiling of the Memorial to Dr. Benjamin F. Stephenson, Founder of the Grand Army of the Republic
Address at Gettysburg