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Telegram to the Mayors of U.S. Cities Urging Increased Urban Renewal Activity.
John F. Kennedy
Letter to the Secretary of the Navy and Statement by the President on the Launching of the U.S.S. Sam Houston.
Letter to Secretary Ribicoff Requesting Him To Undertake Direction of Cuban Refugee Activities.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Urging Enactment of a Distressed Area Redevelopment Bill
Letter to the Director, Bureau of the Budget, Upon Receiving Reports on Government Operations.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Letter to Arthur S. Flemming Concerning the President's Advisory Committee on Government Organization.
Letter to Secretary Gates Concerning the Effect of the President's Directive on Balance of Payments.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Robert B. Anderson as Secretary of the Treasury.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Arthur S. Flemming as Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Gordon Gray as Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.
Letter Accepting Resignation of William P. Rogers as Attorney General.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Christian A. Hefteras Secretary of State.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Maurice H. Stans as Director, Bureau of the Budget. January , 11 1961
Letter Accepting Resignation of James P. Mitchell as Secretary of Labor.
Letter Accepting Resignation of George B. Kistiakowsky as Special Assistant to the President for Science and Technology.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Fred A. Seaton as Secretary of the Interior.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Thomas S. Gates as Secretary of Defense.
Letter to Alan T. Waterman on Receiving Report of the National Science Foundation.
Letter to Archibald J. Carey, Jr., Regarding Report of the President's Committee on Government Employment Policy.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Ezra Taft Benson as Secretary of Agriculture.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Frederick H. Mueller as Secretary of Commerce.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Arthur E. Summerfield as Postmaster General.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Leo A. Hoegh as Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization.
Letter to Secretary Mueller Concerning U.S. Participation in the New York World's Fair of 1964-65.
Letter to Cardinal Spellman Concerning Aid to Cuban Refugees.
Letter to Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe on the Occasion of His Investiture as Governor General of the Federation of Nigeria.
Letter to Secretary Mueller Concerning Participation in the New York World's Fair of 1964-65.
Telegrams of Congratulations to the President- and Vice President-Elect
Telegrams to Vice President Nixon and Henry Cabot Lodge
Letter to Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower on the Occasion of His Resignation From Two Advisory Committees.
Telegram Accepting Invitation To Address a Rally of the Nixon for President Committee of Pennsylvania.
Letter to Secretary Mitchell on Receiving Report on the Effectiveness of the Labor-Management Act
Letter in Reply to a Proposal for a Meeting of the President and Chairman Khrushchev.
Exchange of Letters Between the President and Prime Minister Ikeda of Japan.
Letter to the Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board, Concerning International Local Service to Regina, Saskatchewan.
Letter to Judge E. Barrett Prettyman Requesting Him To Serve as Chairman of the President's Conference on Administrative Procedure.
Letter to the Speaker and to the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives on Mutual Security Appropriations.
Letter to the Majority and Minority Leaders of the Senate on Mutual Security Appropriations.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Henry Cabot Lodge as U.S. Representative to the United Nations.
Letter to the Administrator of General Services Concerning the Design of Proposed Buildings on Lafayette Square.