Letter Accepting Resignation of Robert B. Anderson as Secretary of the Treasury.
[ Released January 16, 1961. Dated January 13, 1961 ]
Dear Bob:
I shah never be able to tell you of the depth of my gratitude for your readiness to return three and a half years ago to governmental service as Secretary of the Treasury. Your sound grasp of fiscal, financial and general governmental problems have made you a real stalwart in this Administration and invaluable to me. In accepting your resignation, effective January 20, 1961, as Secretary of the Treasury and from the other offices referred to in your letter of January ninth, it would be difficult indeed to over-emphasize the sense of obligation I feel to you and your staff.
Under your leadership the Treasury has provided constructive guidance in this Administration's efforts to stabilize the dollar, balance the Federal budget, correct the balance of payments deficit, plan for tax revision and simplification, and manage the Federal debt. The story of the actions of the Department of the Treasury in these areas is clearly presented in your report and I shall release it to the press in order that these major accomplishments can be made a part of the public record.
I earnestly hope that opportunities will develop from time to time for you and me to meet; no matter what my future activities may be, I shall always deem it a privilege to renew with you the conversations and exchange of views that have meant so much to me over these many months.
As for you and your future, I am completely confident that your demonstrated capacity, ability and strength of character will make you a brilliant success in whatever calling you may see fit to follow.
To you and your family, I send my warm regard and, of course, my very best wishes for your continued health and vigor.
Note: Secretary Anderson served from July 29, 1957, to January 20, 1961. His letter of resignation, dated January 6, and his report were released with the President's reply. In his letter of January 9, also released, Mr. Anderson resigned as U.S. Governor of the International Monetary Fund, as U.S. Governor of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as U.S. Governor of the Inter-American Development Bank, and as a member of the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Letter Accepting Resignation of Robert B. Anderson as Secretary of the Treasury. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/234816