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Address Before a Joint Session of the Kansas State Legislature.
Gerald R. Ford
Remarks to a Joint Session of the South Carolina General Assembly
Richard Nixon
Address to a Joint Meeting of the Canadian Parliament.
Remarks to a Joint Session of the Iowa State Legislature in Des Moines.
Remarks in Bonn Before the German Bundestag.
Address on U.S. Policy in Vietnam Delivered Before a Joint Session of the Tennessee State Legislature.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Remarks Before the Korean National Assembly, Seoul, Korea.
Address Before the Irish Parliament in Dublin.
John F. Kennedy
Address Before the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa.
Address Before the National Assembly of Korea.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Address Before a Joint Session of the Philippine Senate and House of Representatives.
Address Before a Joint Session of the National Congress of Uruguay.
Address Before a Joint Session of the National Congress of Chile.
Address Before a Joint Session of the National Congress of Argentina.
Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress of Brazil
Address to the Members of the Parliament of Greece
Address to the Members of the Parliament of Iran
Address Delivered Before a Joint Session of the Parliament of India.
Address Before a Joint Session of the Parliament of Canada.
Address in Rio de Janeiro Before a Joint Session of the Congress of Brazil.
Harry S Truman
Address before a Joint Session of the National Congress and the Supreme Court of Brazil at Rio de Janeiro.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Address to a Joint Session of the Illinois State Legislature in Springfield.
Herbert Hoover
Address to the Porto Rican Legislature.
Address to the Minnesota State Legislature in St. Paul
Woodrow Wilson
Remarks to the French Senate in Paris
Address to the Italian Parliament in Rome
Address to the Texas State Legislature in Austin
Theodore Roosevelt
Address to the Minnesota Legislature in St. Paul
Address to the Wisconsin Legislature in Madison
Speech Before the Legislature in Joint Assembly at the State Capitol in Atlanta, Georgia
William McKinley
Address to the Vermont Legislature in Montpelier
Benjamin Harrison