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Toasts of the President and President Ephraim Katzir of Israel at a State Dinner in Jerusalem
Richard Nixon
Remarks on Arrival at Tel Aviv, Israel
Remarks of the President and President Hasez al Asad of Syria at a State Dinner in Damascus
Remarks of the President and King Faisal Ibn Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia at a State Dinner in Jidda
Text of the "Principles of Relations and Cooperation Between Egypt and the United States."
Toasts of the President and President Sadat at a Dinner in Alexandria Honoring the President of Egypt
Remarks on Arrival in Cairo, Egypt
Toasts of the President and President Anwar el-Sadat of Egypt at a State Dinner in Cairo
Remarks on Arrival at Salzburg, Austria
Remarks at a Luncheon With Prince Fahd of Saudi Arabia
Exchange of Remarks on Receiving Diplomatic Credentials From the Egyptian Ambassador.
Toasts at a Dinner Honoring Latin American and Caribbean Foreign Ministers
Remarks at a Working Dinner of the Washington Energy Conference
Joint Communique‚ Following Discussions With President Ceausescu of Romania.
Joint Statement on Economic, Industrial, and Technological Cooperation Between the United States and Romania.
Exchange of Remarks With President Ceausescu of Romania on Signing a Joint Statement of Principles.
Joint Statement of Principles Following Discussions With President Ceausescu of Romania.
Remarks of Welcome to President Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania
Toasts of the President and President Ceausescu of Romania
Remarks of Welcome to President Felix Houphouet-Boigny of the Republic of Ivory Coast