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Fact Sheet: The President Promotes New Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit
George W. Bush
Fact Sheet: The President Calls on Congress to Pass a National Energy Policy
Fact Sheet: The Patriot Act Helps Keep America Safe
Fact Sheet: Addressing Hunger and Humanitarian Emergencies in Africa
Fact Sheet: Overview of the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act
Fact Sheet: Strengthening Social Security for Rural America
Fact Sheet: Developing Clean and Secure Energy Through Hydrogen Fuel
Fact Sheet: Valuing Life Through Embryo Adoption and Ethical Stem Cell Research
Fact Sheet: Developing Renewable Fuels and Clean Diesel Technologies
Fact Sheet: Strengthening Social Security for Today's Younger Workers
Fact Sheet: Strengthening Social Security For Those In Need
Fact Sheet: Promoting Energy Independence and Security
Fact Sheet: Millions Enjoy Ownership and Control Outside of Social Security
Fact Sheet: Encouraging Volunteerism and Environmental Conservation
Fact Sheet: Securing Our Nation's Energy Future
Fact Sheet: Millions Enjoy Ownership and Control Outside Social Security
Fact Sheet: Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America
Fact Sheet: Making a Difference for America's Youth
Fact Sheet: Better Training for Better Jobs
Fact Sheet: Compassion in Action: Producing Real Results for Americans Most in Need
U.S.-Russia Joint Fact Sheet: Bratislava Initiatives
Fact Sheet: Strengthening Social Security for Future Generations
Fact Sheet: Request for Additional Fy 2005 Funding for the War on Terror
Fact Sheet: Strengthening Social Security for the 21st Century
Fact Sheet: Setting the Record Straight--Medicare Drug Benefit Estimates Unchanged
Fact Sheet: Continuing Support for Tsunami Relief
Fact Sheet: Ensuring America's Prosperity
Fact Sheet: The 2006 Budget--Meeting the Nation's Priorities
Fact Sheet: Ensuring Justice and Fairness for All Americans
Fact Sheet: The State of the Union
Fact Sheet: Helping America's Youth
Fact Sheet: Improving Care and Saving Lives Through Health IT
Fact Sheet: Strengthening Higher Education for a Successful Workforce
Fact Sheet: No Child Left Behind--High-Quality, High School Initiatives
Fact Sheet: Strengthening the Social Security System for Future Generations
Fact Sheet: Legal Reform: The High Costs of Lawsuit Abuse
Fact Sheet: Securing Our Economic Future
Fact of the Day: Training Program Provides New Skills to Middle Eastern Entrepreneurs
Fact Sheet: Ensuring Security, Promoting Prosperity