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Romney Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It: Governor Mitt Romney On Senator Hillary Clinton's Iran Strategy
Mitt Romney
Romney Campaign Press Release - Claire Austin to Serve as Alabama Adviser to Romney for President
Edwards Campaign Press Release - Edwards Announces Bold Energy Plan
John Edwards
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Asst. NH House Majority Leader Endorses Senator Clinton for President
Hillary Clinton
Edwards Campaign Press Release - John Edwards For President Announces Oregon Campaign Leadership
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Introduced Autism Bill to Promote Services for Those Affected by Autism
Romney Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It: Governor Romney on Radio Mambi
Richardson Campaign Press Release - New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson Honored by Texas State Legislature
Bill Richardson
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Pennsylvania Rep. Schwartz Endorses Clinton
Romney Campaign Press Release - U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch Endorses Governor Mitt Romney For President
Biden Campaign Press Release - Senator Joe Biden to Make Campaign Stops in Carson City
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Giuliani Campaign Press Release - Jim Dyke and Michael McKeon Join Giuliani Campaign
Rudy Giuliani
Richardson Campaign Press Release - Governor Richardson Lauds Success on Minimum Wage, Tax Cuts, Water, Energy and Education
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - From the Senate: Clinton, Mikulski, Murray, Snowe Applaud FDA Decision to Maintain Funding for Office of Women's Health
Romney Campaign Press Release - State Representative Dave Hildenbrand to Lead Governor Mitt Romney's Michigan Sportsmen Effort
Edwards Campaign Press Release - 30 Members Of The Oklahoma State Legislature Endorse John Edwards For President
Romney Campaign Press Release - Governor Mitt Romney Names Senator Stewart Iverson As Adviser To Iowa Campaign
Romney Campaign Press Release - Governor Mitt Romney Names California Finance Co-Chairs
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Sixteen NH State Representatives Endorse Senator Clinton for President
Giuliani Campaign Press Release - Police Officers Association of Michigan Endorses Mayor Giuliani for President