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Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush Signs H.R. 683, H.R. 2066, H.R. 4841, S. 3187, and S. 3613
George W. Bush
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush Signs H.R. 3858, the "Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act of 2006"
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush Signs H.R. 3408, S. 176, S. 244, S. 1025, S. 1275, S. 1323, and S. 2690
Remarks on Signing the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2007, in Scottsdale
Statement on Signing the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2007
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs S. 260, the "Partners for Fish and Wildlife Act"
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush Signs H.R. 6138 and H.R. 6198
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs S. 3850, the "Credit Rating Agency Reform Act of 2006"
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs S. 418, the "Military Personnel Financial Services Protection Act"
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs S. 3525, the "Child and Family Services Improvement Act of 2006"
Statement on Signing the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2007
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs H.R. 866, H.R. 2808, S. 1773 and S. 2784
Remarks on Signing the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs S. 3534, the "YouthBuild Transfer Act"
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Designates United States Postal Service Facilities
Statement on Signing the Pension Protection Act of 2006
Remarks on Signing the Pension Protection Act of 2006
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs H.R. 5683, S. 250, H.R. 3682, and S. 3693
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs H.R. 5877 and S. 3741
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs H.R. 4019, S. 310, and S. 1496
Press Release - President Designates United States Postal Service Facilities
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs H.J.Res. 86, Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003
Remarks on Signing the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006
Remarks on Signing the Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, and Coretta Scott King Voting Rights Act Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs H.R. 5865, the "Returned Americans Protection Act of 2006"
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush Signs H.R. 9, H.R. 2872 and H.R. 5117
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs S. 655, Increases Appropriated Grants for National Foundation for the Centers for Disease Control
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs S.J.Res. 40, Requires Printing of Revised Edition of Riddick's Senate Procedure
Statement on Signing the Freedom to Display the American Flag Act of 2005
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs H.R. 42, the "Freedom to Display the American Flag Act of 2005"
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs S. 3504, the "Fetus Farming Prohibition Act of 2006"
Remarks on Signing the Fetus Farming Prohibition Act and Returning Without Approval to the House of Representatives the "Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005"
Statement on Signing the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2006
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs H.R. 4912, Rural Health Care Capital Access Act of 2006
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush Signs H.R. 5403
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Bush Signs H.R. 5603
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs S. 1445
Statement on Signing the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Hurricane Recovery, 2006
Statement by the Press Secretary: President Signs H.R. 1953, H.R. 3829, H.R. 5401, S. 1235, S. 193 and S. 2803