Proclamations (Washington 1789 - present)

Displaying 8901 - 8950 of 9470 Items

President Date Title
Theodore Roosevelt
Dec 28, 1903
Proclamation 513—Lighthouses in Hawaii
Theodore Roosevelt
Dec 22, 1903
Proclamation 512—Establishment of the Santa Barbara Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Dec 12, 1903
Proclamation 511—Establishment of the Highwood Mountains Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Nov 17, 1903
Proclamation 510—Extending Benefits of Copyright Law to Citizens of Cuba
Theodore Roosevelt
Nov 05, 1903
Proclamation 509—Enlargement of the Payson Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Oct 31, 1903
Proclamation 508—Thanksgiving Day, 1903
Theodore Roosevelt
Oct 24, 1903
Proclamation 507—Establishment of the Aquarius Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Oct 20, 1903
Proclamation 506—Convening Extraordinary Session of Congress
Theodore Roosevelt
Sep 05, 1903
Proclamation 505—Establishment of the Pocatello Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Aug 12, 1903
Proclamation 504—Revocation of Withdrawal for Day County Seat in Cheyenne and Arapaho Indian Reservation
Theodore Roosevelt
Jun 30, 1903
Proclamation 503—Reservation of Lands in Puerto Rico
Theodore Roosevelt
Jun 26, 1903
Proclamation 502—Reservation of Lands in Puerto Rico for Naval Purposes
Theodore Roosevelt
Jun 09, 1903
Proclamation 501—Establishing the Lewis and Clark Forest Reserve in Montana
Theodore Roosevelt
May 29, 1903
Proclamation 500—Establishment of the Logan Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
May 29, 1903
Proclamation 499—Establishment of the Manti Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Mar 02, 1903
Proclamation 498—Convening the Senate of the United States
Theodore Roosevelt
Feb 07, 1903
Proclamation 497—Partial Revocation of Withdrawal From Sioux Indian Lands
Theodore Roosevelt
Jan 29, 1903
Proclamation 496—Enlargement of the Yellowstone National Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Jan 17, 1903
Proclamation 495—Establishment of the Luquillo Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Oct 29, 1902
Proclamation 494—Thanksgiving Day, 1902
Theodore Roosevelt
Sep 04, 1902
Proclamation 492—Restoring Fort Sill Indian Sub-Agency Lands to the City of Lawton, Oklahoma for Cemetery
Theodore Roosevelt
Sep 04, 1902
Proclamation 493—Establishment of the Absaroka Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Aug 20, 1902
Proclamation 491—Establishment of the Alexander Archipelago Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Aug 16, 1902
Proclamation 489—Establishment of the Little Belt Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Aug 16, 1902
Proclamation 490—Establishment of the Madison Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Aug 08, 1902
Proclamation 488—Ratification of Creek Indians-U.S. Treaty
Theodore Roosevelt
Jul 30, 1902
Proclamation 487—Establishment of the Chiricahua Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Jul 26, 1902
Proclamation 486—Establishment of the Lincoln Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Jul 22, 1902
Proclamation 485—Establishment of the Mount Graham Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Jul 16, 1902
Proclamation 484—Modifying the Boundary Lines of the Medicine Bow Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Jul 04, 1902
Proclamation 483—Granting Pardon and Amnesty to Participants in Insurrection in the Philippines
Theodore Roosevelt
Jul 03, 1902
Proclamation 482—Suspending Duties on Cuban Vessels Entering Ports of the United States
Theodore Roosevelt
Jul 02, 1902
Proclamation 481—Establishing the Santa Catalina Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Jul 01, 1902
Proclamation 480—Louisiana Purchase Exposition
Theodore Roosevelt
Jun 28, 1902
Proclamation 479—Establishment of the White River Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Jun 23, 1902
Proclamation 478—Restoring to the Public Domain Certain Lands in the Territory of Oklahoma
Theodore Roosevelt
Jun 13, 1902
Proclamation 477—Enlargement of the Yellowstone Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
May 29, 1902
Proclamation 476—Restoring to the Public Domain Certain Lands in the State of California
Theodore Roosevelt
May 22, 1902
Proclamation 475—Enlargement of the Big Horn Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
May 22, 1902
Proclamation 474—Establishing the Medicine Bow Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
May 22, 1902
Proclamation 473—Establishment of the Yellowstone Forest Reserve and the Teton Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
May 07, 1902
Proclamation 472—Diminution of the Fort Hall Indian Reservation for Homesteads
Theodore Roosevelt
Apr 16, 1902
Proclamation 470—Establishing the Niobrara Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Apr 16, 1902
Proclamation 471—Establishing the Dismal River Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Apr 12, 1902
Proclamation 469—Establishing the San Francisco Mountains Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Apr 11, 1902
Proclamation 467—Establishing the San Isabel Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Apr 11, 1902
Proclamation 468—Establishing the Santa Rita Forest Reserve
Theodore Roosevelt
Nov 02, 1901
Proclamation 466—Thanksgiving Day, 1901
Theodore Roosevelt
Sep 14, 1901
Proclamation 465—Announcing the Death of William McKinley
William McKinley
Aug 20, 1901
Proclamation 464—Announcing the Opening and Inviting Participation in the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1903