Theodore Roosevelt |
May 23, 1905
Proclamation 560—Establishment of the Henrys Lake Forest Reserve, Idaho |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 22, 1905
Proclamation 558—Modification of the Boundaries of the Bitter Root Forest Reserve, Idaho and Montana |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 22, 1905
Proclamation 559—Enlargement of the Yellowstone Forest Reserve, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 17, 1905
Proclamation 557—Modification of the Boundaries of the Medicine Bow Forest Reserve |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 15, 1905
Proclamation 556—Reciprocity with Panama |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 15, 1905
Proclamation 555—Restoring to the Public Domain Certain Lands in the State of California |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 12, 1905
Proclamation 551—Establishment of the Chesnimnus Forest Reserve, Oregon |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 12, 1905
Proclamation 550—Establishment of the Sevier Forest Reserve, Utah |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 12, 1905
Proclamation 549—Establishment of the Leadville Forest Reserve, Colorado |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 12, 1905
Proclamation 553—Establishment of the Gunnison Forest Reserve, Colorado |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 12, 1905
Proclamation 552—Establishment of the Elkhorn Forest Reserve, Montana |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 12, 1905
Proclamation 548—Establishment of the Wenaha Forest Reserve, Oregon and Washington |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 12, 1905
Proclamation 554—Establishment of the Pikes Peak Forest Reserve, Colorado |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 06, 1905
Proclamation 544—Establishment of the Klamath Forest Reserve, California |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 06, 1905
Proclamation 547—Enlargement of the Grand Canyon Forest Reserve, Arizona |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 06, 1905
Proclamation 545—Fort Sherman Military Reservation at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 06, 1905
Proclamation 546—Establishment of the Wallowa Forest Reserve, Oregon |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Apr 26, 1905
Proclamation 543—Establishment of the Trinity Forest Reserve, California |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Mar 29, 1905
Proclamation 542—Celebration of the 300th Anniversary of the Founding of Jamestown, Virginia |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Mar 28, 1905
Proclamation 541—Modification of the Boundaries of the Madison Forest Reserve |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Mar 27, 1905
Proclamation 540—Establishing the Plumas Forest Reserve, California |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Mar 20, 1905
Proclamation 539—Establishing the Pinal Mountains Forest Reserve, Arizona |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Feb 23, 1905
Proclamation 538—Convening a Special Session of the United States Senate |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Dec 23, 1904
Proclamation 537—Modification of the Boundries of the Big Horn Forest Reserve, Wyoming |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Dec 06, 1904
Proclamation 536—Diminution of the South Platte Forest Reserve, Colorado |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Nov 29, 1904
Proclamation 534—Establishment of the Warner Mountains Forest Reserve, California |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Nov 29, 1904
Proclamation 535—Establishment of the Modoc Forest Reserve, California |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Nov 01, 1904
Proclamation 533—Thanksgiving Day, 1904 |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Oct 13, 1904
Proclamation 532—Granting Land to Woodward, Oklahoma |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Jun 14, 1904
Proclamation 531—Diminution of Bitter Root Forest Reserve, Idaho and Montana |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Jun 02, 1904
Proclamation 530—Partial Opening of Lands of the Sisseton, Wahpeton and Cut-Head Bands of the Sioux Indian Tribe |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 26, 1904
Proclamation 529—Establishment of the Salt Lake Forest Reserve, Utah |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 21, 1904
Proclamation 528—Modification of the Boundaries of the White River Forest Reserve, Colorado |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 16, 1904
Proclamation 527—Modification of the Boundries of the Battlement Mesa Forest Reserve |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 13, 1904
Proclamation 526—Opening of Sioux Lands of the Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 07, 1904
Proclamation 525—Establishment of the Grantsville Forest Reserve, Utah |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 04, 1904
Proclamation 524—Enlargement of the Yellowstone Forest Reserve, Wyoming and Montana |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 02, 1904
Proclamation 523—Reserving Certain Lands Within the Hailey Land District |
Theodore Roosevelt |
May 02, 1904
Proclamation 522—Enlargement of the Fish Lake Forest Reserve, Utah |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Mar 30, 1904
Proclamation 521—Disposal of Sioux Lands |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Mar 29, 1904
Proclamation 520—Restoring to the Public Domain Certain Lands Adjacent to the City of Lawton, Oklahoma Territory |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Mar 10, 1904
Proclamation 519—Granting Fort Marcy Reservation Lands to Santa Fe, New Mexico |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Mar 05, 1904
Proclamation 518—Establishing the Slim Buttes Forest Reserve |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Mar 05, 1904
Proclamation 517—Establishing the Cave Hills Forest Reserve |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Feb 11, 1904
Proclamation 516—Declaration of Neutrality in the War Between Japan and Russia |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Feb 05, 1904
Proclamation 515—Establishing the Baker City Forest Reserve |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Jan 05, 1904
Proclamation 514—Grant of Fort Marcy Military Reservation to the Town of Santa Fe, New Mexico |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Dec 28, 1903
Proclamation 513—Lighthouses in Hawaii |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Dec 22, 1903
Proclamation 512—Establishment of the Santa Barbara Forest Reserve |
Theodore Roosevelt |
Dec 12, 1903
Proclamation 511—Establishment of the Highwood Mountains Forest Reserve |