Franklin D. Roosevelt |
May 16, 1938
Proclamation 2286—Enlarging the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument, Colorado |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
May 11, 1938
Proclamation 2285—Talladega National Forest, Alabama |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
May 09, 1938
Proclamation 2284—Closed Area Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, North Carolina |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Apr 28, 1938
Proclamation 2282—Revoking Proclamation 2092 on the Coinage of Silver |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Apr 28, 1938
Proclamation 2283—Immigration Quotas |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Apr 26, 1938
Proclamation 2281—Channel Islands National Monument, California |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Apr 25, 1938
Proclamation 2280—National Maritime Day, 1938 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Apr 08, 1938
Proclamation 2279—Norway—Reciprocal Enforcement of Certain Treaty Provisions |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Apr 04, 1938
Proclamation 2278—Child Health Day, 1938 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Mar 28, 1938
Proclamation 2277—Cancer Control Month |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Mar 21, 1938
Proclamation 2276—Thomas Jefferson's Birthday |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Mar 18, 1938
Proclamation 2275—Army Day |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Mar 15, 1938
Proclamation 2274—Closed Area Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Arkansas |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Feb 14, 1938
Proclamation 2273—National Wild Life Week, 1938 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Jan 26, 1938
Proclamation 2272—Extending for Three Years the Period of Operation of the Act Approved June 14, 1935 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Jan 17, 1938
Proclamation 2271—Chequamegon National Forest, Wisconsin |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Jan 17, 1938
Proclamation 2270—Huron National Forest, Michigan |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Jan 17, 1938
Proclamation 2269—Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Dec 30, 1937
Proclamation 2268—Relating to Newly-Mined Domestic Silver |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Dec 29, 1937
Proclamation 2267—Extending the Period for Furnishing Proof of Use in Manufacture of Bonded Wool and Camel Hair |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Dec 29, 1937
Proclamation 2266—Extending the Period for Exportation of Merchandise for Drawback Purposes |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Dec 29, 1937
Proclamation 2265—Merchandise in Bonded Warehouse |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Dec 13, 1937
Proclamation 2264—Closed Area Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Florida |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Dec 07, 1937
Proclamation 2263—Chattahoochee National Forest, Georgia |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Dec 06, 1937
Proclamation 2262—Domestic Animals, Together With Their Offspring, Returned to the United States |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Nov 15, 1937
Proclamation 2261—Pan American Exposition, Tampa, Florida, 1939 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Nov 09, 1937
Proclamation 2260—Thanksgiving Day, 1937 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Oct 30, 1937
Proclamation 2259—Emergency Board, Pacific Electric Railway, Employees |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Oct 22, 1937
Proclamation 2258—Armistice Day, 1937 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Oct 19, 1937
Proclamation 2257—Pacific Mercado (International Exposition) and World's Fair |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Oct 12, 1937
Proclamation 2256—Convening the Congress in Extra Session |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Oct 09, 1937
Proclamation 2255—Suspension of Certain Jurisdiction of American Extraterritorial Courts in Egypt |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Sep 18, 1937
Proclamation 2254—General Pulaski Memorial Day |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Sep 18, 1937
Proclamation 2253—Columbus Day |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Sep 18, 1937
Proclamation 2252—Fire Prevention Week, 1937 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Sep 10, 1937
Proclamation 2251—Gold Star Mother's Day |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Sep 07, 1937
Proclamation 2250—Enlarging the Statue of Liberty National Monument New York |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Aug 31, 1937
Proclamation 2249—Correcting Certain Language in Proclamation No. 2247 of August 25, 1937, Prescribing Panama Canal Toll Rates |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Aug 25, 1937
Proclamation 2248—Rules for the Measurement of Vessels for the Panama Canal |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Aug 25, 1937
Proclamation 2247—Panama Canal Toll Rates |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Aug 02, 1937
Proclamation 2246—Capitol Reef National Monument, Utah |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Jul 30, 1937
Proclamation 2245—Regulations Relating to Migratory Birds and Certain Game Mammals |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Jul 12, 1937
Proclamation 2244—Enlarging Harney National Forest, South Dakota and Wyoming |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Jul 09, 1937
Proclamation 2243—Enlarging the Wupatki National Monument, Arizona |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Jul 04, 1937
Proclamation 2242—One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Constitution |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Jun 16, 1937
Proclamation 2241—Conveying to the People of Puerto Rico Certain Land Heretofore Reserved for Purposes of the United States |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
May 27, 1937
Proclamation 2240—Revocation of Proclamation No. 2223 of February 1, 1937, Authorizing Free Entry of Supplies Imported for Use in Emergency Flood Relief Work |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
May 27, 1937
Proclamation 2239—Tercentenary of Birth of Pere Marquette |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
May 26, 1937
Proclamation 2238—National Aviation Day |
Franklin D. Roosevelt |
May 01, 1937
Proclamation 2236—Export of Arms, Ammunition, and Implements of War to Spain |