Proclamations (Washington 1789 - present)

Displaying 8401 - 8450 of 9468 Items

President Date Title
Franklin D. Roosevelt
May 16, 1938
Proclamation 2286—Enlarging the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument, Colorado
Franklin D. Roosevelt
May 11, 1938
Proclamation 2285—Talladega National Forest, Alabama
Franklin D. Roosevelt
May 09, 1938
Proclamation 2284—Closed Area Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, North Carolina
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Apr 28, 1938
Proclamation 2282—Revoking Proclamation 2092 on the Coinage of Silver
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Apr 28, 1938
Proclamation 2283—Immigration Quotas
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Apr 26, 1938
Proclamation 2281—Channel Islands National Monument, California
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Apr 25, 1938
Proclamation 2280—National Maritime Day, 1938
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Apr 08, 1938
Proclamation 2279—Norway—Reciprocal Enforcement of Certain Treaty Provisions
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Apr 04, 1938
Proclamation 2278—Child Health Day, 1938
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Mar 28, 1938
Proclamation 2277—Cancer Control Month
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Mar 21, 1938
Proclamation 2276—Thomas Jefferson's Birthday
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Mar 18, 1938
Proclamation 2275—Army Day
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Mar 15, 1938
Proclamation 2274—Closed Area Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Arkansas
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Feb 14, 1938
Proclamation 2273—National Wild Life Week, 1938
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jan 26, 1938
Proclamation 2272—Extending for Three Years the Period of Operation of the Act Approved June 14, 1935
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jan 17, 1938
Proclamation 2271—Chequamegon National Forest, Wisconsin
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jan 17, 1938
Proclamation 2270—Huron National Forest, Michigan
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jan 17, 1938
Proclamation 2269—Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Dec 30, 1937
Proclamation 2268—Relating to Newly-Mined Domestic Silver
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Dec 29, 1937
Proclamation 2267—Extending the Period for Furnishing Proof of Use in Manufacture of Bonded Wool and Camel Hair
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Dec 29, 1937
Proclamation 2266—Extending the Period for Exportation of Merchandise for Drawback Purposes
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Dec 29, 1937
Proclamation 2265—Merchandise in Bonded Warehouse
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Dec 13, 1937
Proclamation 2264—Closed Area Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Florida
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Dec 07, 1937
Proclamation 2263—Chattahoochee National Forest, Georgia
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Dec 06, 1937
Proclamation 2262—Domestic Animals, Together With Their Offspring, Returned to the United States
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Nov 15, 1937
Proclamation 2261—Pan American Exposition, Tampa, Florida, 1939
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Nov 09, 1937
Proclamation 2260—Thanksgiving Day, 1937
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Oct 30, 1937
Proclamation 2259—Emergency Board, Pacific Electric Railway, Employees
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Oct 22, 1937
Proclamation 2258—Armistice Day, 1937
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Oct 19, 1937
Proclamation 2257—Pacific Mercado (International Exposition) and World's Fair
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Oct 12, 1937
Proclamation 2256—Convening the Congress in Extra Session
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Oct 09, 1937
Proclamation 2255—Suspension of Certain Jurisdiction of American Extraterritorial Courts in Egypt
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Sep 18, 1937
Proclamation 2254—General Pulaski Memorial Day
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Sep 18, 1937
Proclamation 2253—Columbus Day
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Sep 18, 1937
Proclamation 2252—Fire Prevention Week, 1937
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Sep 10, 1937
Proclamation 2251—Gold Star Mother's Day
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Sep 07, 1937
Proclamation 2250—Enlarging the Statue of Liberty National Monument New York
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Aug 31, 1937
Proclamation 2249—Correcting Certain Language in Proclamation No. 2247 of August 25, 1937, Prescribing Panama Canal Toll Rates
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Aug 25, 1937
Proclamation 2248—Rules for the Measurement of Vessels for the Panama Canal
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Aug 25, 1937
Proclamation 2247—Panama Canal Toll Rates
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Aug 02, 1937
Proclamation 2246—Capitol Reef National Monument, Utah
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 30, 1937
Proclamation 2245—Regulations Relating to Migratory Birds and Certain Game Mammals
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 12, 1937
Proclamation 2244—Enlarging Harney National Forest, South Dakota and Wyoming
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 09, 1937
Proclamation 2243—Enlarging the Wupatki National Monument, Arizona
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jul 04, 1937
Proclamation 2242—One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Constitution
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jun 16, 1937
Proclamation 2241—Conveying to the People of Puerto Rico Certain Land Heretofore Reserved for Purposes of the United States
Franklin D. Roosevelt
May 27, 1937
Proclamation 2240—Revocation of Proclamation No. 2223 of February 1, 1937, Authorizing Free Entry of Supplies Imported for Use in Emergency Flood Relief Work
Franklin D. Roosevelt
May 27, 1937
Proclamation 2239—Tercentenary of Birth of Pere Marquette
Franklin D. Roosevelt
May 26, 1937
Proclamation 2238—National Aviation Day
Franklin D. Roosevelt
May 01, 1937
Proclamation 2236—Export of Arms, Ammunition, and Implements of War to Spain