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Executive Order 8007—Amendment of Paragraph 6, Subdivision VII, Schedule A, Civil Service Rules
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 8006—Inspection of Income and Excess-Profits Tax Returns by the Special Joint Congressional Committee to Make an Investigation of the Tennessee Valley Authority
Executive Order 8005—Authorizing the Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, and Capital Stock Tax Returns, Estate and Gift Tax Returns Filed After June 16, 1933, and Returns Under Title IX of the Social Security Act
Executive Order 8004—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use of the Navy Department for Naval Purposes
Executive Order 8003—Partial Revocation of Executive Orders of December 5, 1913, January 13, 1915, and February 23, 1928
Executive Order 8002—Exemption of Harry Peale From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 8001—Transferring Certain Lands from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of Commerce and Reserving Them as the Welaka Fish Hatchery
Executive Order 8000—Correcting and Amending Description of Boundaries of Molokai Lighthouse Reservation
Executive Order 7999—Transferring to the Secretary of Commerce the Records and Property of the Office of the Administrator of the Census of Partial Employment, Unemployment and Occupations, and Authorizing the Employment of Certain Employees of That Office Without Regard to the Competitive Requirements of the Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 7998—Establishing the Interdepartmental Committee on Printing and Processing