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Remarks at the State Dinner Honoring President Václav Havel of the Czech Republic
William J. Clinton
Remarks at a State Dinner Hosted by President Jiang Zemin of China in Beijing
Remarks at the State Dinner Honoring President Kim Dae-jung of South Korea
Remarks at the State Dinner Honoring Prime Minister Romano Prodi of Italy
Remarks at a State Dinner Hosted by President Eduardo Frei of Chile in Santiago
Remarks at the State Dinner Honoring Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom
Remarks at the State Dinner Honoring President Jiang Zemin of China
Remarks at the State Dinner Hosted by President Carlos Menem of Argentina in Buenos Aires
Remarks at the State Dinner in Mexico City
Remarks at a State Dinner Honoring Prime Minister Jean Chretien of Canada