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Source of many WH announcements, readouts, press releases
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nomination of John F. Ahearne To Be a Member.
Jimmy Carter
National Transportation Policy Study Commission Appointment of William H. Tucker as a Member.
Counsellor to the President on Aging Announcement Issued Following a Meeting With the Ad Hoc Leadership Council of Aging Organizations.
Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly on Disarmament Announcement of Vice President Mondale's Address at the Special Session.
Federal National Mortgage Association Reappointment of Five Members of the Board of Directors.
Federal Farm Credit Board Nomination of Three Members.
Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly on Disarmament Nomination of U.S. Representatives and Alternate Representatives to the loth Special Session.
National Commission on Libraries and Information Science Nomination of Five Members.
National Advisory Council on Extension and Continuing Education Appointment of Four Members.
Checklist of White House Press Releases
Acts Approved by the President
United Nations Trusteeship Council Appointment of Stoney Cooks as U.S. Representative to the 45th Session.
National Council on Educational Research Nomination of Five Members.
Digest of Other White House Announcements
Nominations Submitted to the Senate
Department of Justice Nomination of Philip B. Heymann To Be an Assistant Attorney General.
Industrial Innovation Announcement of Establishment of an Interagency Committee.
President's Export Council Appointment of Emile R. Bussiere and Mark Hasten as Members.
Appointments Secretary to the President Appointment of Phillip J. Wise, Jr.
Deputy Appointments Secretary to the President Appointment of Frances M. Voorde.
United States Ambassador to Spain Nomination of Terence A. Todman.
United States Ambassador to the Philippines Nomination of Richard W. Murphy.
Commodity Futures Trading Commission Nomination of David G. Gartner To Be a Commissioner.
Inter-American Foundation Nomination of Four Members of the Board of Directors.
World Health Assembly at Geneva Announcement of the Membership of the U.S. Delegation to the 31st Assembly.
Department of Energy Nomination of Duane C. Sewell To Be An Assistant Secretary.
Advisory Committee on Federal Pay Reappointment of Jerome M. Rosow as Chairman.
United States Ambassador to Singapore Nomination of Richard F. Kneip.
New England River Basins Commission Appointment of John R. Ehrenfeld as Chairman.
Zero-Base Budgeting Announcement of a Report Concerning First-Year Results in the Federal Government.
National Commission on the International Year of the Child, 1979 Appointment of Jean C. Young as Chairman.
The President's Visit to Panama Announcement of the Visit.
National Transportation Safety Board Nomination of Francis H. McAdams To Be a Member.
Announcement of Results Following Administration Review of the Federal Audiovisual Programs
Department of Justice Nomination of Gilbert G. Pompa To Be Director of the Community Relations Service.
National Commission on Air Quality Appointment of Seven Members.
Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations Appointment of Nine Members.
Department of Energy Nomination of John K. Mansfield To Be Inspector General.
United States Ambassador to Surinam Nomination of Nancy Ostrander.
International Joint Commission-United States and Canada Nomination of Kenneth M. Curtis To Be a U.S. Commissioner.
President's Special Summit Representative Appointment of Henry Owen.
Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly on Disarmament Accordance of the Rank of Ambassador to Lawrence D. Weiler.
White House Conference on Families Appointment of Wilbur J. Cohen as Chairman.
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Appointment of Vice Chairperson and Six Members.