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Source of many WH announcements, readouts, press releases
White House Statement Concerning Bipartisan Meeting on the Suez Canal.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
White House Statement Following Bipartisan Conference on Foreign Affairs and National Defense.
White House Statements Following Meetings With Republican Leaders of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
White House Statement Following Bipartisan Meeting on the Geneva Conference.
White House Statement Following Bipartisan Conference on Foreign Affairs, National Defense, and Mutual Security.
White House Statement Following Meetings With Republican Leaders of Congress on the Legislative Program.
White House Statement Following Bipartisan Conference on Foreign Affairs and National Security.
White House Statement Concerning Steps Taken To Strengthen and Improve the Operations of the National Security Council.
Statement by Direction of the President Clarifying His News Conference Remarks on Security Information.
Harry S Truman
Statement by Direction of the President Announcing an Atomic Explosion in the U.S.S.R.
White House Statement Concerning a Meeting With the Congressional Leaders To Discuss the National Emergency.
White House Statement Following a Meeting Between the President and Top Congressional and Military Leaders To Review the Situation in Korea.
White House Statement Announcing the Establishment of the Arkansas-White-Red River Basins Inter-Agency Committee.
White House Statement Announcing the Establishment of the President's Commission on Migratory Labor.
White House Statement Following Visit to the President by the Deputy Premiers of Greece.
White House Statement Announcing Recognition of the Government of Israel.
White House Statement Announcing Recognition of the Government of Transjordan.
White House Statement Announcing Recognition of the Government of Korea.
White House Statement Concerning U.S. Assistance to Palestine Refugees.
White House Statement in Response to Foreign Secretary Bevin's Remarks Relating to U.S. Interest in Palestine.
White House Statement Concerning the President's Recommendation of an Additional Repeal of Authorized Appropriations.
White House Statement on Palestine and on the Problem of Displaced Persons in General.
White House Statement on the President's Meeting With Leaders of the Jewish Agency for Palestine.
White House Statement Concerning Controls Over the Price and Distribution of Meat.
White House Statement on Anglo-American Committee Hearings on Palestine and the Problems of European Jews.
Announcement of the Anglo-American Caribbean Commission
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Announcement of the Arrival of Prime Minister Churchill
Announcement of Lend-Lease for Turkey
Announcement of Aid to Russia
Statement on Executive Order 8526 Coordinating the Power Resources of the Columbia River
State Department Statement on the German Partition of Czecho-Slovakia
State Department Release on Help for German Refugees
Statement on Appointment of a Committee to Recommend Legislation for the Bonneville and Other Power Projects
Treasury Statement on the Sterilization of Gold
Treasury Statement on International Monetary Arrangements
Announcement of the Appointment of the Great Plains Drought Area Committee
Announcement of a Committee to Plan for the Reorganization of the Executive Branch
White House Statement on Executive Orders 7126 and 7150.
White House Statement on Executive Order 7126.
Announcement of the Organization of the Works Progress Division of the National Emergency Council