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Message to Congress
Abraham Lincoln
Executive Order—Bosque Redondo Reserve
Special Message
Executive Order
Message to Congress Concerning Bounties for Veteran Volunteers
Message to Congress Regarding Freedmen's Aid Societies
Proclamation 109—Suspension of Discriminating Duties on Tonnage and Goods Entering the United States on Vessels of Nicaragua
Third Annual Message
Proclamation 108—Amnesty and Reconstruction
Message to the Senate Nominating Commander D. D. Porter to be a Rear-Admiral in the Navy
Message to Congress Recommending a Vote of Thanks to Captain John Rogers
Address at the Dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [Gettysburg Address]
Executive Order—Export of Tobacco Purchased by Foreign Nations
Proclamation 107—Call for 300,000 Volunteers
Proclamation 106—Thanksgiving Day, 1863
Proclamation 105—Raising the Blockade of Alexandria, Virginia
Proclamation 104—Suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus Throughout the United States
Executive Order—Concerning Commercial Regulations
Letter to James C. Conkling
Executive Order—Retaliation
Proclamation 103—Day of Thanksgiving, Praise, and Prayer, August 6, 1863
Telegram to R.T. Lincoln
Remarks in Response to a Serenade
Proclamation 102—Call for 100,000 Militia to Serve for Six Months
Proclamation 101—Enrollment of Aliens for Military Duty
Proclamation 100—Admitting West Virginia Into the Union
Proclamation 99—Repudiation of an Agreement with Bernard Kock
Proclamation 98—Suspension of Commercial Trade with Certain States in Rebellion
Executive Order—License of Commercial Intercourse
Proclamation 97—Appointing a Day of National Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer
Proclamation—Recalling Soldiers to Their Regiments
Proclamation 96—Convening the Senate