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Message to Congress
Abraham Lincoln
Executive Order—Establishment of a Board to Make Corrections in the Draft
Special Message
Remarks in Response to a Serenade
Executive Order
Proclamation 122—Concerning Commerce
Veto Message
Proclamation 121—Calling for 300,000 Volunteers
Executive Order—Appointing Commissioners to Investigate the Military Division West of the Mississippi
Fourth Annual Message
Message to Congress Recommening a Vote of Thanks for Lieutenant William B. Cushing
Message to Congress Recommening a Vote of Thanks for Captain John A. Winslow
Executive Order—Concerning the Steamer "Funayma Solace"
Proclamation 120—Raising the Blockade of the Ports of Norfolk, Virginia and Fernandina, and Pensacola, Florida
Proclamation 119—Admitting Nevada Into the Union
Proclamation 118—Thanksgiving Day, 1864
Executive Order—Returning Thanks to the Volunteers for One Hundred Days From the States of Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin
Executive Order—Concerning the Purchase of Products in Insurrectionary States
Executive Order—Thanks to Hundred-Day Troops From Ohio
Executive Order—Tendering Thanks to Admiral Farragut and Major-General Canby
Proclamation of Thanksgiving
Executive Order—Tendering Thanks to Major-General William T. Sherman
Executive Order—Concerning Cotton
Address to the 166th Ohio Regiment
Address to the 164th Ohio Regiment
Proclamation 117—Concerning Commercial Regulations
Interview with John T. Mills
Proclamation 116—Calling for 500,000 Volunteers
Proclamation 115—Concerning a Bill "To Guarantee to Certain States, Whose Governments Have Been Usurped or Overthrown, a Republican Form of Government," and Concerning Reconstruction
Proclamation 114—Appointing a Day of National Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer
Proclamation 113—Declaring Martial Law and a Further Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus in Kentucky
Letter Accepting the Presidential Nomination