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Remarks at Modesto, California
Theodore Roosevelt
Remarks at Raymond, California
Address at the Dedication of the Navy Memorial Monument in San Francisco, California
Address at the University of California in Berkeley
Address at Oakland, California
Address at the Laying of the Cornerstone of the Y.M.C.A. Auxiliary Clubhouse in Vallejo, California
Address at the Banquet Tendered Him by the Union League Club of San Francisco, California
Address at the Hall of the Native Sons of the Golden West in San Francisco, California
Address at the Ceremonies Incident to the Breaking of Sod for the Erection of a Monument in Memory of the Late President McKinley in San Francisco, California
Remarks on Being Presented With a Canteen by Various Organizations of the Spanish War Veterans in San Francisco, California
Address at Mechanics' Pavilion in San Francisco, California
Remarks at Leland Stanford Jr. University in Palo Alto, California
Remarks at Burlingame, California
Address at Dedication of the Building of the Young Men's Christian Association in San Francisco, California
Address at a Banquet Tendered by the Citizens of San Francisco, California at the Palace Hotel
Remarks at Pajaro, California
Remarks at Watsonville, California
Address at Santa Cruz, California
Remarks at the Big Tree Grove in Santa Cruz, California
Address at San Jose, California
Remarks at Campbell, California
Address at Santa Barbara, California
Remarks to the Forest Rangers at Santa Barbara, California
Remarks at Surf, California
Address at San Luis Obispo, California
Remarks at Paso Robles, California
Remarks at Oxnard, California
Address at Ventura, California
Address at Pomona College in Claremont, California
Address at Pasadena, California
Remarks at Los Angeles, California
Remarks at Barstow, California
Remarks at Victorville, California
Remarks in Barstow, California
Address at Redlands, California
Remarks to the School Children in San Bernardino, California
Address at San Bernardino, California
Address at Riverside, California
Remarks at Grand Canyon, Arizona
Remarks in Santa Fe, New Mexico
Remarks at the Catholic School in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Remarks at the Indian School in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Remarks in Denver, Colorado
Remarks in Topeka, Kansas
Remarks in Kansas City, Missouri
Remarks at the Dedication Ceremonies of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis, Missouri
Remarks in Keokuk, Iowa
Remarks in Quincy, Illinois
Remarks to the National and International Good Roads Convention at Odeon Hall in St. Louis, Missouri
Remarks at St. Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri
Remarks at the State House in Des Moines, Iowa
Remarks in Shenandoah, Iowa
Remarks in Clarinda, Iowa
Remarks in Sharpsburg, Iowa
Remarks in Van Wert, Iowa
Remarks in Ottumwa, Iowa
Remarks at the Auditorium in Des Moines, Iowa
Remarks at the Dedication of the Young Men's Christian Association Building in Oskaloosa, Iowa
Remarks in Osceola, Iowa
Remarks in Fairmont, Nebraska